Fig. 23: Totality of the lunar eclipse of 3/4 March 2007. One can see the different colours ranging from red, yellow and blue. The different colours are caused by the earth's atmosphere that looks like a glowing ring when seen from the moon during the eclipse - like a dusk. Unfortunately this picture is an unsharp combination of 4 pictures with high ISO number because I didn't have a motorized mount and therefore one couldn't make longer exposures than 1/2 second. Noise reduction with Neat Image plugin — Nikon D200, William Optics ZenithStar 105mm f/7, ISO 1600x2, 1/2s, Ascona, 4 March 2007, 00:27 MEZ — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/2 s; ISO 3200; 2006-03-04 0:27:32Mastodon