Fig. 96: Plenty of anchors are stored in the port of Tarifa. I wonder what they are used for. They are much too big and heavy for the fishing boats. They are believed to be used for the Almadraba, a gigantic bottom-anchored net off Spain's coast used to catch vast quantities of tuna before they can make their way to the Mediterranean to spawn. This is the height of human stupidity and short-sightedness. In this way, all tuna are wiped out within a very short time. In addition to all this, the Japanese participate very massively in this, because they have already fished their own seas dry. — Nikon D70, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Tarifa, Spain, August 2005 — EXIF: Nikon D70; Δt=1/125 s; f=28 mm; f/14.0; 2005-08-12 10:16:20