Usually the visibility in Lake Lucerne is better than in Lake Zurich. Despite of its bigger size there are less dive sites because access to the lake is not possible (rock or private ground). The best dive sites are Weggis-Vitznau, Hergiswil and Beckenried, where is a sunken conveyor sistems from the time where the Seelisberg tunnel was built.
Fig. 1: An european perch (Perca fluviatilis). This is the most common fish species in Lake Lucerne. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm 1:2.8, Lopper, Lake Lucerne, 29. October 2006
Fig. 2: All solid surfaces in lake Zurich are covered with zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha). Here they are on a twig of a sunken tree — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm 1:2.8, Lopper, Lake Lucerne, 29. October 2006
Fig. 3: A big pike (Esox lucius). Usually they don't seem to like being photographed. The oder ones are shy and usually gone before one can get a picture from the front. The younger ones are more brave ... or the brave ones never grow old. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm 1:2.8, Lopper, Lake Lucerne, 29. October 2006
Fig. 4: Yet another perch (Perca fluviatilis). This one is lying on the ground and looking into the camera. Sometimes I take pictures of perches just for practising. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm 1:2.8, Lopper, Lake Lucerne, 29. October 2006
Fig. 5: A young pike is sleeping in sea grass. Unfortunately one leaf is just in front of the eye. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm 1:2.8, Lopper, Lake Lucerne, 29. October 2006
Fig. 6: Oh, yet another perch (Perca fluviatilis). This young one is hiding under water plants. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm 1:2.8, Lopper, Lake Lucerne, 29. October 2006
Fig. 7: A pike of about 50cm length who liked to being photographed ... or was it just sleeping? — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm 1:2.8, Lopper, Lake Lucerne, 29. October 2006
Fig. 8: The first time I see a crab (or is it called lobster) in Lake Lucerne. Usually one meets them only in rivers. We saw three during this dive. The first was hiding itself underneath rocks and the third had a missing claw. — Nikon D200, Lake Lucerne, 29. October 2006 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2006-10-29 19:16:51
Fig. 9: And finally a Perch (Perca fluviatilis) who had to play model for my new camera and macro lens. — Nikon D200, Lake Lucerne, 29. October 2006
Fig. 10: A grape full of pollywogs - only a few of that millions which we have seen during this dive. On the right side there is a small sweetwater polyp, an animal related to the pretty anemones from the sea. — Nikon D200, Hartenberger Strobe, Nikkor Micro 60mm, Beckenried, Lake Lucerne, 12 May 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 100; 2006-05-12 17:47:45
Fig. 11: Fish spawn with pollywogs. At least I assume it's spawn from fish and not frogs because the pollywogs have already emerged. Note the two tini black spots. These are the eyes. — Nikon D200, Hartenberger Strobe, Nikkor Micro 60mm, Beckenried, Lake Lucerne, 12 May 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 100; 2006-05-12 17:49:38
Fig. 12: A well feeded perch (Perca fluviatilis). I guess it had pollywogs for breakfast. — Nikon D200, Hartenberger Strobe, Nikkor Micro 60mm, Beckenried, Lake Lucerne, 12 May 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 100; 2006-05-12 17:51:07
Fig. 13: The wreck of a garden chair at a depth of about 17m. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Sea bath Vitznau, Lake Lucerne, 24 June 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/31 s; f=12 mm; f/4.0; ISO 400; 2007-06-24 12:16:13
Fig. 14: A swarm of Eglis in the branches of a sunken tree. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Sea bath Vitznau, Lake Lucerne, 24 June 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/200 s; f=24 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-06-24 12:39:56
Fig. 15: A swarm of young Eglis hiding in the branches of a sunken tree. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Sea bath Vitznau, Lake Lucerne, 24 June 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=24 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2007-06-24 12:45:17
Fig. 16: A tree stub in backlight — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Sea bath Vitznau, Lake Lucerne, 24 June 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=12 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2007-06-24 12:47:42
Fig. 17: A swarm of pollywogs. There were so many that I could't catch them all with my camera. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Sea bath Vitznau, Lake Lucerne, 24 June 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/80 s; f=12 mm; f/4.5; ISO 100; 2007-06-24 12:53:12
Fig. 18: Sun beams under the trees on the shore. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Sea bath Vitznau, Lake Lucerne, 24 June 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/40 s; f=12 mm; f/4.0; ISO 100; 2007-06-24 13:01:01
Fig. 19: Diver Mischa in Lake Lucerne at a depth of about 29 meters. The visibilty was bad down to 20m. The sky was sunny bright blue while we started to dive. After the dive it rained for the rest of the day. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Beckenried Rütenen, Lake Lucerne, 8 July 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=12 mm; f/4.5; ISO 200; 2007-07-08 11:47:01
Fig. 20: Duver Steffi with lamp at 30m depth in green water. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Riedsort, Lake Lucerne, 16 August 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/20 s; f=10.5 mm; f/2.8; ISO 400; 2009-08-16 10:26:09
Fig. 21: Two techdiver exercising. Each one has a double tank on it's back. tree stage tanks and a small argon tank for their dry suit. Impressive, but too much for me and my back. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Riedsort, Lake Lucerne, 16 August 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/31 s; f=10.5 mm; f/2.8; ISO 400; 2009-08-16 10:27:55
Fig. 22: Two techdiver with total 12 tanks are exercising. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Riedsort, Lake Lucerne, 16 August 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/46 s; f=10.5 mm; f/3.5; ISO 400; 2009-08-16 10:29:48
Fig. 23: A shark made of an old air tank. It is located at about 11m depth close to the left entrance at dive site Riedsort. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Riedsort, Lake Lucerne, 16 August 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=10.5 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2009-08-16 10:37:49
Fig. 24: Three swimmer are playing in the twilight under the trees on the shore. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Riedsort, Lake Lucerne, 16 August 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=10.5 mm; f/8.0; ISO 400; 2009-08-16 10:47:03
Fig. 25: A sunken tree in shallow water. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Riedsort, Lake Lucerne, 16 August 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/100 s; f=10.5 mm; f/5.0; ISO 400; 2009-08-16 10:49:39
Fig. 26: A lonely pumpkin is a mute witness from a past halloween dive. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Riedsort, Lake Lucerne, 16 August 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/100 s; f=10.5 mm; f/5.0; ISO 400; 2009-08-16 10:51:32
Fig. 27: A small swarm of young perches (Perca fluviatilis) in shallow water. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Riedsort, Lake Lucerne, 16 August 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=10.5 mm; f/9.0; ISO 400; 2009-08-16 10:54:57
Fig. 28: Young perches (Perca fluviatilis) are playing in the branches of a sunken tree. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Riedsort, Lake Lucerne, 16 August 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=10.5 mm; f/9.0; ISO 400; 2009-08-16 10:56:14
Fig. 29: Perches (Perca fluviatilis) are playing with the light beams in the shallow water. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Riedsort, Lake Lucerne, 16 August 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/350 s; f=10.5 mm; f/10.0; ISO 400; 2009-08-16 10:56:44
Fig. 30: Diver at about 3m depth. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Riedsort, Lake Lucerne, 16 August 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=10.5 mm; f/9.0; ISO 400; 2009-08-16 10:58:49
Fig. 31: Buoyancy excercise: At the left entrance someone has placed a square made of platic pipes where one can swim through. Unfortunately the water was quite hazy there. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Riedsort, Lake Lucerne, 16 August 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=10.5 mm; f/7.1; ISO 400; 2009-08-16 14:13:03
Fig. 32: A nice swarm of perches (Perca fluviatilis) in shallow water. They are most common in Swiss lakes. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Riedsort, Lake Lucerne, 16 August 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/350 s; f=10.5 mm; f/10.0; ISO 400; 2009-08-16 14:34:47
Fig. 33: A diver has found a flex disc under water. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Riedsort, Lake Lucerne, 16 August 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/200 s; f=10.5 mm; f/7.1; ISO 400; 2009-08-16 14:40:12
Fig. 34: Perches (Perca fluviatilis) on the ground, captured by a fish eye lens. The optical disortion looks funny, like a giant rock bowl under water. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Riedsort, Lake Lucerne, 16 August 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=10.5 mm; f/8.0; ISO 400; 2009-08-16 14:42:00
Fig. 35: Two divers in shallow water. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Riedsort, Lake Lucerne, 16 August 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=10.5 mm; f/8.0; ISO 400; 2009-08-16 14:48:51
Fig. 36: Diver Down Under. Some divers start acting crazy when the diving site is boring. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Riedsort, Lake Lucerne, 16 August 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/350 s; f=10.5 mm; f/10.0; ISO 400; 2009-08-16 14:49:22
Fig. 37: Diver close under the water line. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Riedsort, Lake Lucerne, 16 August 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=10.5 mm; f/9.0; ISO 400; 2009-08-16 14:50:30
Fig. 38: The garden dwarf from Tauchclub Obwalden wishes "good air". It's located at about 18m depth, right side of entry point. The picture would have been better without the disturbing light of the divers in the background. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Rütenen/Beckenried, Lake Lucerne, 6 September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=10.5 mm; f/4.5; ISO 400; 2009-09-06 10:36:28
Fig. 39: This is diving when the visibility is okay to bad. Pointing the lamp towards the camera causes a patch of colour in the usual black/green pictures. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Rütenen/Beckenried, Lake Lucerne, 6 September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/80 s; f=10.5 mm; f/4.5; ISO 400; 2009-09-06 10:42:47
Fig. 40: Remnants of the sunken belt conveyor which was used to build the Seelisberg tunnel. It's located at a depth of 7 to 18 meters. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Rütenen/Beckenried, Lake Lucerne, 6 September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/80 s; f=10.5 mm; f/4.5; ISO 400; 2009-09-06 10:44:04
Fig. 41: Be careful when diving through this sunken belt conveyor. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Rütenen/Beckenried, Lake Lucerne, 6 September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=10.5 mm; f/6.3; ISO 400; 2009-09-06 10:54:28
Fig. 42: Diver lighting up a perch (Perca fluviatilis) with his diving lamp. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Rütenen/Beckenried, Lake Lucerne, 6 September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=10.5 mm; f/6.3; ISO 400; 2009-09-06 11:08:27
Fig. 43: Split view picture with diver. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Rütenen/Beckenried, Lake Lucerne, 6 September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/400 s; f=10.5 mm; f/10.0; ISO 400; 2009-09-06 11:32:04
Fig. 44: A tree from beneath the water surface. The sun is right behind the tree. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Rütenen/Beckenried, Lake Lucerne, 6 September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/500 s; f=10.5 mm; f/10.0; ISO 400; 2009-09-06 11:33:54
Fig. 45: Same tree as in the previous picture. But this time a little bit deeper and with the sun glowing through the branches. Creates this nice light beams. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Rütenen/Beckenried, Lake Lucerne, 6 September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/640 s; f=10.5 mm; f/13.0; ISO 400; 2009-09-06 11:34:33
Fig. 46: A perch (Perca fluviatilis) in spotlight. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Rütenen/Beckenried, Lake Lucerne, 6 September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=10.5 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2009-09-06 13:39:56
Fig. 47: Hunting shy pikes (Esox lucius) with a fisheye lens os not a good idea. This one is young and abouth 30cm in length. It was not so far away but still looks very tiny. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Rütenen/Beckenried, Lake Lucerne, 6 September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=10.5 mm; f/9.0; ISO 400; 2009-09-06 13:54:03
Fig. 48: A swarm of young perches (Perca fluviatilis) playing in a seagrass meadow. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Rütenen/Beckenried, Lake Lucerne, 6 September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=10.5 mm; f/8.0; ISO 400; 2009-09-06 13:57:50
Fig. 49: A swarm of young perches (Perca fluviatilis) playing in a seagrass meadow. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Rütenen/Beckenried, Lake Lucerne, 6 September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=10.5 mm; f/7.1; ISO 200; 2009-09-06 14:00:51
Fig. 50: Diving in the seagrass meadow, hunting for the shy pike (Esox lucius). — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Rütenen/Beckenried, Lake Lucerne, 6 September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=10.5 mm; f/6.3; ISO 200; 2009-09-06 14:03:51
Fig. 51: Diving in the mountains. Acording to PADI the Lake Lucerne is already a mountain lake (above 300m sea level). A nice half-half picture with dive buddy Mischa and the mountains Rigi Scheidegg, Hochfluh and Greath Mythen in the background. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Rütenen/Beckenried, Lake Lucerne, 6 September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=10.5 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2009-09-06 14:13:46
Fig. 52: Two specimen of the very rare longear-divers, one with blue, the other with yellow ears. Some say the are related to the Gungans. — Nikon D200, Nikkor 10.5mm DX Fisheye, Rütenen/Beckenried, Lake Lucerne, 6 September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=10.5 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2009-09-06 14:20:06
Fig. 53: A young pike (Esox lucius) is hiding in a seagrass meadow in shallow water. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, General Guisan Quai, Stansstad, Lake Lucerne, 9 September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2009-09-09 19:14:52
Fig. 54: A young pike (Esox lucius). — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, General Guisan Quai, Stansstad, Lake Lucerne, 9 September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2009-09-09 19:16:09
Fig. 55: A young pike (Esox lucius) is taking a nap in a seagrass meadow. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, General Guisan Quai, Stansstad, Lake Lucerne, 9 September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2009-09-09 19:29:24
Fig. 56: Portrait of a young pike (Esox lucius). — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, General Guisan Quai, Stansstad, Lake Lucerne, 9 September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2009-09-09 19:30:34
Fig. 57: Young perch (Perca fluviatilis) in a seagrass meadow. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, General Guisan Quai, Stansstad, Lake Lucerne, 9. September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2009-09-09 19:34:06
Fig. 58: Young perch (Perca fluviatilis) in a seagrass meadow. Unfortunately the eyes are not in the focus plane and are slightly unsharp. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, General Guisan Quai, Stansstad, Lake Lucerne, 9. September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2009-09-09 19:40:30
Fig. 59: An old perch (Perca fluviatilis) is taking a nap on the ground. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, General Guisan Quai, Stansstad, Lake Lucerne, 9 September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2009-09-09 19:48:01
Fig. 60: This is probably a common roach (Rutilus rutilus). — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, General Guisan Quai, Stansstad, Lake Lucerne, 9. September 2009 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2009-09-09 19:56:30
Fig. 61: At the bottom on the lake it is always dark. Diver with lamp on a wall. I left the strobe at home this time. Dive site Riedsort right, Lake Lucerne. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/6 s; f=10.5 mm; f/4.5; ISO 400; 2011-09-11 10:41:47
Fig. 62: Diver on the rocks with water plants. Dive site Riedsort right, Lake Lucerne. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/2500 s; f=10.5 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2011-09-11 11:14:56
Fig. 63: The sun is shining through the trees on the shore and creates these wonderful light beams under water. Dive site Riedsort right, Lake Lucerne. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=10.5 mm; f/4.0; ISO 200; 2011-09-11 11:23:38
Fig. 64: At the bottom on the lake it is always dark. Diver with lamp on a wall. I left the strobe at home this time. Dive site Riedsort right, Lake Lucerne. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/20 s; f=10.5 mm; f/4.5; ISO 400; 2011-09-11 10:39:34
Fig. 65: Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) on the sea ground. These mussels came from the Black Sea and spread out here like a pest and replace the endemic mussels. They stick on every solid ground even crabs and other mussels. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2 x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Hergiswil, Lopper, Lake Lucerne, 29 July 2012 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/18.0; ISO 200; 2012-07-29 9:39:28
Fig. 66: Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) covering a sunken branch. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2 x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Hergiswil, Lopper, Lake Lucerne, 29 July 2012 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2012-07-29 9:44:41
Fig. 67: Freshwater polyps (Hydra) covering all over a twig. These animals are related to jelly fish. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2 x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Hergiswil, Lopper, Lake Lucerne, 29 July 2012 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2012-07-29 9:45:33
Fig. 68: Immigrated Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) on the ground. They came from the black sea and spread here in all lakes. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2 x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Hergiswil, Lopper, Lake Lucerne, 29 July 2012 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2012-07-29 9:52:49
Fig. 69: An insect larva crawls over the ground. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2 x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Hergiswil, Lopper, Lake Lucerne, 29 July 2012 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2012-07-29 10:01:16
Fig. 70: A snail — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2 x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Hergiswil, Lopper, Lake Lucerne, 29 July 2012 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2012-07-29 10:02:41
Fig. 71: A small snail sitting on an underwater plant. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2 x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Hergiswil, Lopper, Lake Lucerne, 29 July 2012 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2012-07-29 10:05:48
Fig. 72: A snail sitting on a brick — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2 x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Hergiswil, Lopper, Lake Lucerne, 29. Juli 2012 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2012-07-29 10:09:55
Fig. 73: A young pike (Esox lucius). Unfortunately it was too shy to be shot from the front. This picture is strongly contrast enhanced because the visibility was bad on that day. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2 x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Isleten, Lake Lucerne, 12 August 2012 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/4.5; ISO 200; 2012-08-12 10:45:29
Fig. 74: A perch (Perca fluviatilis) looking at the camera. Contrast enhanced due to bad visibility. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2 x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Isleten, Lake Lucerne, 12 August 2012 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/4.5; ISO 200; 2012-08-12 10:51:14
Fig. 75: Mussles on a branch. The visibility on that day was pretty bad. The contrast had to be enhanced. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2 x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Isleten, Lake Lucerne, 12 August 2012 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2012-08-12 10:59:33
Fig. 76: A portrait of a perch (Perca fluviatilis). — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2 x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Isleten, Lake Lucerne, 12. August 2012 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2012-08-12 11:01:38
Fig. 77: Two perches (Perca fluviatilis) on the ground. The contrast has been enhanced because the visibility was about two meters on that day. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2 x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Isleten, Lake Lucerne, 12. August 2012 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2012-08-12 11:06:46
Fig. 78: A lonely burbot (Lota lota) hiding in a crevice at 30m depth. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S Micro 105mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Riedsort, 7 April 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=105 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-04-07 10:55:05
Fig. 79: Two toads (bufo bufo) spawning. How can they possibly think of sex in this cold water? — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Vitznau, 5 May 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-05-05 10:13:06
Fig. 80: Toads (bufo bufo) making love under water. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Vitznau, 5. May 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-05-05 10:13:44
Fig. 81: Frog spawn with pollywogs that have not yet emerged. On other places some were already emerged. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucern, Vitznau, 5 May 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-05-05 10:16:28
Fig. 82: Toads (bufo bufo) having sex in cold water. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Vitznau, 5 May 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-05-05 10:18:48
Fig. 83: A snail — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Vitznau, 5 May 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-05-05 10:27:19
Fig. 84: This toad (bufo bufo) is still looking for a mate. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Vitznau, 5 May 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-05-05 10:29:36
Fig. 85: Portrait of a toad (bufo bufo) with beautiful golden eyes. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Vitznau, 5 May 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-05-05 10:31:18
Fig. 86: A toad (bufo bufo) with its spawn. Typical for toad spawn is that it is like a string. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Vitznau, 5 May 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-05-05 10:31:58
Fig. 87: Look me in the eyes you toad! — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Vitznau, 5 May 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-05-05 10:32:11
Fig. 88: Frog spawn with emerged pollywogs. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Vitznau, 5 May 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-05-05 10:33:59
Fig. 89: Strings of toad spawn were all over the place. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Vitznau, 5 May 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-05-05 10:35:47
Fig. 90: Every spring the toads (bufo bufo) come here for spawning. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Vitznau, 5 May 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-05-05 10:39:05
Fig. 91: Toads (bufo bufo) backpack. The small male is sitting on the big female. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Vitznau, 5 May 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-05-05 10:39:41
Fig. 92: Toads (bufo bufo) backpack. The small male is sitting on the big female. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Vitznau, 5 May 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-05-05 10:41:25
Fig. 93: Yet another toad (bufo bufo) sitting on the ground and looking for for a mate. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Vitznau, 5 May 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-05-05 10:49:06
Fig. 94: Freshwater polyps (hydra vulgaris) on the edge of a rock at 27 meters depth. The picture is upside down because I had to turn my camera upside down to get the picture. Hold your breath and don't move while taking the picture or the tentacles get swirled. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Riedsort, 25 August 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-08-25 18:51:57
Fig. 95: Freshwater polyps (hydra vulgaris) on the edge on a rock. This time without current caused by the photographer. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Riedsort, 25 August 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-08-25 18:52:13
Fig. 96: A young burbot (Lota lota) sitting on the ground. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Riedsort, 25 August 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/22.0; ISO 200; 2013-08-25 19:01:32
Fig. 97: Lots of hydrae sitting on a small twig at about 20 meters depth. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Riedsort, 25 August 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/22.0; ISO 200; 2013-08-25 19:07:07
Fig. 98: Portrait of a perch (Perca fluviatilis). — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Riedsort, 25 August 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-08-25 19:36:42
Fig. 99: Another portrait of a perch (Perca fluviatilis). — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Riedsort, 25 August 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-08-25 19:38:07
Fig. 100: And again a portrait of a perch (Perca fluviatilis). The big adult ones didn't like to be photographed. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, 2x Sea&Sea YS-110α, Lake Lucerne, Riedsort, 25 August 2013 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2013-08-25 19:45:22
Fig. 101: Diving with redundant air supply and a 7 liter stage tank. Okay, the rigging has some room of improvement. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S Fisheye 10.5mm, Sea&Sea YS-110α, Brougier Park, Lake Lucerne, 1 May 2014 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=10.5 mm; f/11.0; ISO 400; 2014-05-01 10:13:40
Fig. 102: A tuba with boots sunk by a diving club. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S Fisheye 10.5mm, Sea&Sea YS-110α, Brougier-Park, Lake Lucerne, 1 May 2014 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=10.5 mm; f/4.5; ISO 400; 2014-05-01 10:27:14
Fig. 103: A diver with surface marker buoy (SMB) — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S Fisheye 10.5mm, Sea&Sea YS-110α, Brougier-Park, Lake Lucerne, 1 May 2014 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=10.5 mm; f/7.1; ISO 200; 2014-05-01 10:46:35
Fig. 104: Sidemount diver using toddy style with two 80 cuft alu tanks and two accus (lamp and suit heating) on the backplate. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S Fisheye 10.5mm, Sea&Sea YS-110α, Brougier Park, Lake Lucerne, 26 October 2014 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/91 s; f=10.5 mm; f/5.0; ISO 200; 2014-10-26 11:45:19
Fig. 105: A lucky shot from my dive buddy using my camera. Me with Xdeep Stealth 2.0 and two 7 liter alu tanks. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S Fisheye 10.5mm, Sea&Sea YS-110α, Brougier Park, Lake Lucerne, 26. October 2014 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/91 s; f=10.5 mm; f/5.0; ISO 200; 2014-10-26 11:57:15
Fig. 106: Underwater selfie with Xdeep Stealth 2.0 and two 7 liter alu tanks. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S Fisheye 10.5mm, Sea&Sea YS-110α, Brougier Park, Lake Lucerne, 26 October 2014 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=10.5 mm; f/4.0; ISO 200; 2014-10-26 11:57:45
Fig. 107: Dive site Rütenen in Beckenried — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=40 mm; f/4.0; ISO 100; 2019-08-25 10:18:22
Fig. 108: Dive site Rütenen in Beckenried — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=40 mm; f/5.0; ISO 100; 2019-08-25 10:30:57
Fig. 109: Dive site Rütenen in Beckenried — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=40 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2019-08-25 10:31:23
Fig. 110: Dive site Rütenen in Beckenried — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=40 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2019-08-25 10:38:35
Fig. 111: Dive site Rütenen in Beckenried — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=40 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2019-08-25 10:38:58