Setting constellation Orion with the bright star Sirius, shot from Glaubenberg in canton Obwalden. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=30 s; f=17 mm; f/3.2; ISO 3200; 2011-02-05 0:53:29A meteor caused the earth's atmosphere to glow for a fraction of a second. Underneath the shooting star are brightly illuminated clouds caused by light pollution of the italian city Milano. Single exposure of a timelapse movie. Milano has the highest light pollution of all Europe. Electricity is way too cheap. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=29 s; f=17 mm; f/3.5; ISO 3200; 2011-02-05 22:00:06The star polaris, also called northern polar star above firs. The stars are rotating 15 °/h counter-clockwise around the north celestial pole. The brightest star near the north celestial pole is currently Polaris. In 12'000 years it will be Vega. Tha'ts due to the precession of the earth's rotational axis. Combination of 15 exposures with 4 minutes exposure time at ISO 400 each. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=240 s; f=17 mm; f/3.5; ISO 400; 2011-02-06 1:55:25The setting moon is located in the gap on a fir tree. Starparty at Ahornalp in Emmental, canton Berne. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=15 s; f=25 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-05-06 22:02:39A mountain bike on top of car's roof is rising up from the light pollution. Above it the star are circling around the polar star. Starparty at Ahornalp in Emmental, canton Berne. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=961 s; f=17 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-05-06 23:49:39A tree is groung out of the yellow light pollution and growing towards the celestial north pole which is circled by the circumpolar stars. Starparty at Ahornalp in Emmental, canton Berne. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=240 s; f=17 mm; f/4.0; ISO 200; 2011-05-07 0:30:27The constallations Big Dipper (left) and Little Dipper (right). During the exposure the camera lens was set to defocus so that around the brightest stars a halo showing their colour appears. Starparty at Ahornalp in Emmental, canton Berne. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=30 s; f=25 mm; f/3.2; ISO 3200; 2011-05-07 1:19:31View towards the galactic center of our Milky Way galaxy. The dark stripes are intergalactic dust ... or maybe soot from a Volkswagen Diesel? Starparty at Ahornalp in Emmental, canton Berne. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=30 s; f=17 mm; f/2.8; ISO 6400; 2011-05-07 2:25:17View towards the galactic center of our Milky Way galaxy. The dark stripes are intergalactic dust and the yellow dome on the left hand side is light pollution, probably from the city Lucerne. Starparty at Ahornalp in Emmental, canton Berne. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=60 s; f=17 mm; f/3.2; ISO 1600; 2011-05-07 2:48:31
A bee is starting from a dandelion. Even 1/2000 second exposure time is too long to make the wings visible. Maybe try using a flash next time. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/2000 s; f=105 mm; f/10.0; ISO 800; 2011-04-06 12:35:17A drop of morning dew has been accumulated on the tip of a blade of grass over night. Shot on the meadow of my terrace. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/200 s; f=105 mm; f/16.0; ISO 800; 2011-04-07 7:54:42A mosquito is hiding under a blade of grass and the morning dew is forming a drop on the tip. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/400 s; f=105 mm; f/16.0; ISO 800; 2011-04-07 7:58:31The meadow on my terrace has collected morning dew that is twinkling in the morning sun. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/100 s; f=105 mm; f/32.0; ISO 800; 2011-04-07 8:13:55A small snail creeped up a blade of grass. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/100 s; f=210 mm; f/22.0; ISO 800; 2011-04-08 8:16:40A small woodlouse is walking over the concrete edge on my terrace. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/60 s; f=210 mm; f/32.0; ISO 1600; 2011-04-08 8:55:08
A double rainbow above the church in Windisch. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/125 s; f=70 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-07-09 19:23:20Lightning strikes between clouds during a small thunderstorm. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=10 s; f=25 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-07-13 0:32:54Lightning strikes far away. Unfortunately most thunderstorms just pass by and never hit my home town. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=10 s; f=200 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-08-18 20:30:35Small lightning strike in a cloud that didn't hit the ground. Brugg is really not a lightning hot spot. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=30 s; f=70 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-08-23 20:23:20Small lightning strike in a cloud that didn't hit the ground. Brugg is really not a lightning hot spot. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=30 s; f=50 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-08-23 20:50:12Finally a lightning strikes the ground. In the center the hill with the saddle is Lägern nearby Baden. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=10 s; f=70 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-08-24 19:43:46
At the bottom on the lake it is always dark. Diver with lamp on a wall. I left the strobe at home this time. Dive site Riedsort right, Lake Lucerne. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/6 s; f=10.5 mm; f/4.5; ISO 400; 2011-09-11 10:41:47Diver on the rocks with water plants. Dive site Riedsort right, Lake Lucerne. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/2500 s; f=10.5 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2011-09-11 11:14:56The sun is shining through the trees on the shore and creates these wonderful light beams under water. Dive site Riedsort right, Lake Lucerne. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=10.5 mm; f/4.0; ISO 200; 2011-09-11 11:23:38At the bottom on the lake it is always dark. Diver with lamp on a wall. I left the strobe at home this time. Dive site Riedsort right, Lake Lucerne. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/20 s; f=10.5 mm; f/4.5; ISO 400; 2011-09-11 10:39:34
A reflection of a rubber duck in a dew drop on a grass. — Nikon D3, Nikkor Micro AF-S VR 105mm 1:2.8, 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/200 s; f=210 mm; f/32.0; ISO 1600; 2011-04-08 8:47:46
This grouper was just swimming away when I took this picture. That's the disadvantage of a wideangle lens. One has to get very close to the animals to fit them into the frame large enough. Some don't like this. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Little Brother Island, Red Sea, Egypt, 12 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=24 mm; f/5.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-12 13:57:16These fish are called surgeonfish because they have a sharp scalpel on both sides right before the backfin. They use it for defense. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Little Brother Island, Red Sea, Egypt, 12 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=24 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-11-12 14:02:34Many orange and purple antias are swimming around the coral reef. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Little Brother Island, Red Sea, Egypt, 12 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=18 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-11-12 14:04:16The wreck of the SS Numidia which sank in 1901. What you don't see on that picture: Here on that corner the current was extremly strong. The bubbles did not go up, but stayed in a whirl in position. I had trouble swimming to the current shadow and almost threw away my big bulky camera. Also not good with a slight cold and decompression problems in my forehead. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 10.5 Fisheye, Little Brother Island, Red Sea, Egypt, 13 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=10.5 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-11-13 9:50:04The broken bow of the SS Aida which sank in 1957 is surrounded by many orange anthias. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 10.5 Fisheye, Little Brother Island, Red Sea, Egypt, 13 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=10.5 mm; f/13.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-13 10:07:00Dive buddy with bottle riding Kermit the frog. His slave strobes are obviously working. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, Egypt, 14 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=20 mm; f/5.0; ISO 400; 2011-11-14 9:39:56This moray eel gets cleaned by a cleaning wrasse. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, Egypt, 14 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=24 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-14 10:03:41A group of cornetfish (Fistularia commersonii) zog vorbei. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, Egypt, 14 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=24 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-11-14 10:10:16Many orange anthias are swimming around the coral reef. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, Egypt, 14 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=24 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-14 10:19:26These soft corals are sitting on a prominent exposed place for fishing plancton. They sit on the end of a whip coral. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, Egypt, 14 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=24 mm; f/9.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-14 10:21:27This coral hind (Cephalopholis miata) is hiding itself under a soft coral. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S Micro 105mm, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, Egypt, 14 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=105 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-14 14:12:35This is a Red Sea sailfin tang (Zebrasoma desjardinii). It belongs to the surgeon fish. If you look closely, you'll see the scalpel on his tail fin. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S Micro 105mm, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, 14 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=105 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-14 14:16:16A red soldier fish which didn't like being photographed from the front. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S Micro 105mm, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, 14 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=105 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-14 14:18:47A lion fish with bubbles. When there are many safari boats with many divers diving on the same wall, then there are many bubbles. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S Micro 105mm, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, 14 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=105 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-14 14:25:17An anemone fish in its anemone. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S Micro 105mm, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, 14 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=105 mm; f/11.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-14 14:28:47An anemone fish in its anemone. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S Micro 105mm, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, 14 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=105 mm; f/11.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-14 14:29:20A giant blue shell. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S Micro 105mm, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, 14 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=105 mm; f/11.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-14 14:47:18A wonderful coloured butterfly fish in front of a coral. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S Micro 105mm, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, 14 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=105 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-14 14:53:09This fish looks sceptical into the camera. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S Micro 105mm, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, 14 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=105 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-14 15:03:55Can you see the water drops on this picture. That was the last one before the flash started getting crazy and I noticed water in the camera case. At the end of the dive there was about a mug full of water inside. Luckily I had the dome port and fisheye lens, so there was enough space around the camera. Only the TTL converter electronics got damaged. Camera and lens were dry and survived. In the meantime I have removed the TTL converter entirely and used only the tree pins (trigger, ready, ground) from the flash. TTL never worked reliably because neither on the camera nor on the strobe the +/- intensity could be adjusted. — Nikon D200, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, 15 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=15 mm; f/6.3; ISO 200; 2011-11-15 10:15:38A city full of anemones on the daedalus reef. The following pictures have been made without flash and the fisheye lens because the TTL converter electronics for the flash got damaged due to a leaking case. — Nikon D200, Nikkor DX 10.5mm Fisheye, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, 15 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/80 s; f=10.5 mm; f/4.5; ISO 200; 2011-11-15 14:44:14Anemones with anemone fishes shot from below towards the water surface. — Nikon D200, Nikkor DX 10.5mm Fisheye, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, 15 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/100 s; f=10.5 mm; f/5.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-15 14:48:06This picture has been photoshopped. I masked the foreground with the anemone and fishes and processed foreground and background separatly with white balance and contrast. The result looks somewhat like a picture with mixture light. — Nikon D200, Nikkor DX 10.5mm Fisheye, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, 15 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/80 s; f=10.5 mm; f/4.5; ISO 200; 2011-11-15 14:48:15Divers diving along the wall on the daedalus reef. — Nikon D200, Nikkor DX 10.5mm Fisheye, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, 15 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=10.5 mm; f/4.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-15 14:59:55At the end of a dive one has to get away from the wall to get picked up by the zodiac. — Nikon D200, Nikkor DX 10.5mm Fisheye, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, 15 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=10.5 mm; f/4.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-15 15:07:07The reef is full of divers, forming a curtain of bubbles. At some dives there were a lot more than on this picture but then I had the macro lens with me or was so perplex that I forgot making a picture of that theatre. — Nikon D200, Nikkor DX 10.5mm Fisheye, Daedalus Reef, Red Sea, 16 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=10.5 mm; f/4.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-16 5:57:43Finally I encounter a big swarm of barracudas that stays compact while approaching and then I don't have a strobe wigh me. — Nikon D200, Nikkor DX 10.5mm Fisheye, Elphinstone reef, Red Sea, 16 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/100 s; f=10.5 mm; f/5.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-16 6:47:06Finally I encounter a big swarm of barracudas that stays compact while approaching and then I don't have a strobe wigh me. — Nikon D200, Nikkor DX 10.5mm Fisheye, Elphinstone reef, Red Sea, 16 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=10.5 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-11-16 6:47:44This picture would habe been nice with some light from the strobe to get the colour of the barracudas. But blue in blue looks also nice. — Nikon D200, Nikkor DX 10.5mm Fisheye, Elphinstone reef, Red Sea, 16 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/100 s; f=10.5 mm; f/5.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-16 6:48:32The zodiacs of the many safari boats are passing by over the heads of the divers and make awful noise. A wonder that there are any fish left here. — Nikon D200, Nikkor DX 10.5mm Fisheye, Elphinstone reef, Red Sea, 16 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=10.5 mm; f/6.3; ISO 200; 2011-11-16 6:53:29Split-view image of divers and safari boat. — Nikon D200, Nikkor DX 10.5mm Fisheye, Marsa Mubarak, Red Sea, 16 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/350 s; f=10.5 mm; f/9.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-16 10:30:46A blue spotted stingray (Taeniura lymma) on sandy bottom with many cones formed by worms. — Nikon D200, Nikkor DX 10.5mm Fisheye, Marsa Mubarak, Red Sea, 16 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=10.5 mm; f/7.1; ISO 200; 2011-11-16 10:33:14The silhouette of a diver against the sun. With a strobe this would have been better. — Nikon D200, Nikkor DX 10.5mm Fisheye, Marsa Mubarak, Red Sea, 16 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/350 s; f=10.5 mm; f/10.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-16 10:38:07The silhouette of a diver against the sun. One year later I could make again a picture, this time with strobe. — Nikon D200, Nikkor DX 10.5mm Fisheye, Marsa Mubarak, Red Sea, 16 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/400 s; f=10.5 mm; f/10.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-16 10:38:56A group of red sea bannerfish (Heniochus intermedius). This would have been a nice picture If I had a working flash. They let me come very close. — Nikon D200, Nikkor DX 10.5mm Fisheye, Marsa Mubarak, Red Sea, 16 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/80 s; f=10.5 mm; f/5.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-16 11:02:58A stingray is swimming over an area full of sand and with many cones formed by worms. The surface looks like from an alien planet in a old 50es science fiction movie. — Nikon D200, Nikkor DX 10.5mm Fisheye, Marsa Mubarak, Red Sea, 16 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/91 s; f=10.5 mm; f/5.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-16 11:13:07Divers hanging below the boat during the safety stop. — Nikon D200, Nikkor DX 10.5mm Fisheye, Marsa Mubarak, Red Sea, 16 November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=10.5 mm; f/6.3; ISO 200; 2011-11-16 11:32:23I tracked the ship's course with GPS. We started at Port Ghalib, then headed to Brother Islands and Daedalus Reef.
The small island 'Little Brother' in the foreground and the bigger island 'Big Brother' with the lightouse and a safari boat in the background. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 24-120mm, Red Sea, Egypt, November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=120 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2011-11-12 15:52:09Wide angle shot of the island 'Little Brother' and in the background 'Big Brother' during sunset. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 24-120mm, Red Sea, Egypt, November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=24 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2011-11-12 15:52:30A shot of the railing of our safari boat during sunset — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 24-120mm, Red Sea, Egypt, November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/80 s; f=55 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2011-11-12 15:53:55A man in the water tightening the ropes of the safari boats at Brother Islands. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 24-120mm, Red Sea, Egypt, November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/40 s; f=400 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2011-11-12 15:59:11Telephoto image of a beautiful sunset on the sea at Brother Islands. The sun is setting behind distant mountains on the horizon. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 24-120mm, Red Sea, Egypt, November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/400 s; f=400 mm; f/9.0; ISO 200; 2011-11-12 16:04:01The sun is almost gone while another safari boat arrives and looks for a safe anchoring place. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 24-120mm, Red Sea, Egypt, November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/400 s; f=400 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-11-12 16:06:03The lightouse of Big Brother island with tree safari boats. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 24-120mm, Red Sea, Egypt, November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/20 s; f=220 mm; f/5.3; ISO 800; 2011-11-12 16:29:18The island 'Big Brother' with the lighthouse and the jetty. Both have seen better times — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 24-120mm, Red Sea, Egypt, November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=28 mm; f/9.0; ISO 100; 2011-11-13 8:35:17The jetty with the small railway, a mastepiece of egyptian engineering. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 24-120mm, Red Sea, Egypt, November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=24 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2011-11-13 12:25:16Inside of the lighthouse on Big Brother island these corkscrew stairs lead to the top. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 24-120mm, Red Sea, Egypt, November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/8 s; f=24 mm; f/4.0; ISO 100; 2011-11-13 12:27:27Barrack on Big Brother island with solar panels and radar. Somehow it reminds me of an abadonded mars station. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 24-120mm, Red Sea, Egypt, November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=48 mm; f/9.0; ISO 100; 2011-11-13 12:47:49This is the lighthouse on the Daedalus Reef with the long jetty. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 24-120mm, Red Sea, Egypt, November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=75 mm; f/10.0; ISO 100; 2011-11-14 6:19:22A new (left) and old (right) jetty lead to the lighthouse on Daedalus reef — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 24-120mm, Red Sea, Egypt, November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=24 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2011-11-15 6:01:13A pack of dolphins made a visit at Daedalus reef. That's because I was not in the water due to ear problems. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 24-120mm, Red Sea, Egypt, November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/640 s; f=400 mm; f/13.0; ISO 400; 2011-11-15 6:53:26A sea turtle taking a deep breath of air before diving on Daedalus reef. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 24-120mm, Red Sea, Egypt, November 2011 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=400 mm; f/7.1; ISO 400; 2011-11-15 10:05:50
The road across the Simplon pass as seen from the from the forest at Rosswald — iPhone 4, Rosswald, 25 July 2011 — EXIF: iPhone 4; Δt=1/121 s; f=3.85 mm; f/2.8; ISO 100; 2011-07-25 20:36:45
St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/10 s; f=24 mm; f/6.3; ISO 1600; 2011-04-23 10:40:06St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/13 s; f=30 mm; f/6.3; ISO 3200; 2011-04-23 10:42:38St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/15 s; f=17 mm; f/6.3; ISO 3200; 2011-04-23 10:44:15St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/14 s; f=24 mm; f/6.3; ISO 3200; 2011-04-23 10:47:53St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/10 s; f=17 mm; f/6.3; ISO 3200; 2011-04-23 10:52:46St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/8 s; f=17 mm; f/6.3; ISO 3200; 2011-04-23 10:53:15St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/26 s; f=20 mm; f/6.3; ISO 3200; 2011-04-23 10:53:58St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/10 s; f=17 mm; f/6.3; ISO 3200; 2011-04-23 10:58:28Halfway House, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/10 s; f=32 mm; f/6.3; ISO 400; 2011-04-23 11:28:46Cockburn Street, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/40 s; f=19 mm; f/6.3; ISO 400; 2011-04-23 11:30:52Victoria Street, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/50 s; f=30 mm; f/6.3; ISO 400; 2011-04-23 11:51:28Edinburgh Castle and Grassmarket Square, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/321 s; f=25 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2011-04-23 19:41:14Tourist shops on High Street, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/60 s; f=25 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2011-04-23 19:51:55The Scotch Whiskey Experience on High Street, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/400 s; f=17 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2011-04-23 19:57:28View of Edinburgh from Castle Hill — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/640 s; f=30 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2011-04-23 20:00:09Sunset from Castle Hill, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/201 s; f=25 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2011-04-23 20:03:43Esplanade on Castle Hill in Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/1613 s; f=25 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2011-04-23 20:07:18View of Edinburgh from Castle Hill — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/160 s; f=17 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2011-04-23 20:10:58A passageway to a backyard in Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/31 s; f=30 mm; f/5.6; ISO 6400; 2011-04-23 20:17:58High Street, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/31 s; f=25 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2011-04-23 20:21:35Wash Bar on Johnston Terrace in Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/60 s; f=25 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2011-04-23 20:27:00Sunset from Mound Place in Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/125 s; f=24 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2011-04-23 20:29:52Sunset from Ramsay Lane with the small grove below the Castle in Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/61 s; f=25 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2011-04-23 20:31:58Grassmarket Square as seen from Castle Hill in Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/50 s; f=25 mm; f/4.0; ISO 800; 2011-04-23 20:46:21A staircase near Grassmarket Square in Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/13 s; f=35 mm; f/8.0; ISO 800; 2011-04-23 20:51:34Grassmarket Square, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/15 s; f=25 mm; f/4.0; ISO 800; 2011-04-23 20:54:07Grassmarket Square, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/15 s; f=25 mm; f/4.0; ISO 800; 2011-04-23 20:55:07Tree with string of lights in Grassmarket Square, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/50 s; f=24 mm; f/4.0; ISO 800; 2011-04-23 20:56:36Telephone box with Apex City Hotel in Grassmarket Square, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/20 s; f=24 mm; f/4.0; ISO 1600; 2011-04-23 21:01:26Victoria Street, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/20 s; f=30 mm; f/4.0; ISO 1600; 2011-04-23 21:08:07Museum on the Mound, Bank Street, Edinburgh — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/51 s; f=25 mm; f/4.0; ISO 1600; 2011-04-23 21:13:42Almost like at home. :-: A window full of fine whiskey at The Scotch Whiskey Experience on Edinburgh's Royal Mile. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/320 s; f=19 mm; f/4.0; ISO 3200; 2011-04-24 11:48:09Almost like at home. :-: A window full of fine whiskey at The Scotch Whiskey Experience on Edinburgh's Royal Mile. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/400 s; f=17 mm; f/4.0; ISO 3200; 2011-04-24 11:52:08Near the vaults under the South Bridge. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/402 s; f=17 mm; f/4.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-24 13:59:58Near the vaults under the South Bridge. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/1000 s; f=17 mm; f/4.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-24 14:00:13Ghost tour through the vaults under the South Bridge. Very interesting, but we didn't see any ghosts. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/2 s; f=17 mm; f/2.8; ISO 6400; 2011-04-24 14:09:22Ghost tour through the vaults under the South Bridge. Very interesting, but we didn't see any ghosts. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/2 s; f=17 mm; f/2.8; ISO 6400; 2011-04-24 14:36:28The Princess Gardens in Edinburgh with the Scott Monument — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/500 s; f=52 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-04-25 11:54:41The Scott Monument is located in the Princess Gardens in Edinburgh and is dedicated to the Scottish writer Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832: It is the world's largest monument dedicated to a writer . — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/321 s; f=34 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-04-25 11:59:24View from the North Bridge at Edinburgh Waverley train station towards Castle with the church tower of "The Hub". — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/807 s; f=60 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-04-25 12:40:08It couldn't be smaller: Brodies HOstels between the shops "The Bonnie Blue Gallery" and "The Tappit Hen" on the Royal Mile. Lets only hope that the rooms are a bit wider. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/500 s; f=31 mm; f/4.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-25 13:41:02A row of houses on St. Mary's Street in Edinburgh. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/500 s; f=70 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-04-25 13:45:51A nice splash of color. The facade of Cafe Keno on the High Street in Edinburgh. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/200 s; f=52 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-04-25 13:47:58Early morning in front of Edinburgh Castle. The legions of tourists in buses have not yet arrived. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/400 s; f=70 mm; f/10.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 8:40:20View of Edinburgh from Castle Hill. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/250 s; f=70 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 8:43:14Dunfermline Abbey. Here lie the mortal remains of the Scottish king Robert The Bruce. The remarkable thing about this church is that the king's name is above the religious symbols. This is unique. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/1000 s; f=45 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 9:38:35Dunfermline Abbey. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/200 s; f=32 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 9:47:18Dunfermline Abbey. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/321 s; f=31 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 9:52:32Dunfermline Abbey. Here lie the mortal remains of the Scottish king Robert The Bruce. The remarkable thing about this church is that the king's name is above the religious symbols. This is unique. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/200 s; f=40 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 9:53:57Dunfermline Abbey. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/500 s; f=35 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 9:54:52Dunfermline Abbey. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/101 s; f=28 mm; f/3.2; ISO 1600; 2011-04-26 9:55:54Glenturret Distillery, Scotland's oldest whiskey distillery, is situated north west of Crieff in Perthshire. In addition to the own brand, the blended whiskey The Famous Grouse is produced here. I find the whiskey "The Snow Grouse" particularly special, which tastes best ice-cold. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/1000 s; f=45 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 11:08:30Glenturret Distillery, Scotland's oldest whiskey distillery, is situated north west of Crieff in Perthshire. In addition to the own brand, the blended whiskey The Famous Grouse is produced here. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/320 s; f=62 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 11:09:20The grouse from The Famous Grouse of Glenturret Distillery. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/640 s; f=35 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 12:52:43The Tay Bridge in Aberfeldy. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/640 s; f=28 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 13:58:38The River Tay in Aberfeldy at the Tay Bridge. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/400 s; f=60 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 13:59:20The Hermitage near the town dark — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/125 s; f=28 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 14:47:56The Hermitage near the town dark — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/160 s; f=28 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 14:54:41The Hermitage near the town of Dunkeld — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/40 s; f=70 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 14:55:14The Hermitage near the town of Dunkeld — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/8 s; f=28 mm; f/22.0; ISO 100; 2011-04-26 14:57:24The Hermitage near the town of Dunkeld — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/80 s; f=56 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 15:08:38Trees in the garden of Dunkeld Cathedral — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/80 s; f=60 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 15:29:46The bridge at Dunkeld over the River Tay — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/320 s; f=52 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 15:31:04The cathedral of Dunkeld — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/200 s; f=40 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 15:35:33The small town of Dunkeld on the River Tay — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/400 s; f=48 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 15:43:32The river Tay near the small town of Dunkeld — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/400 s; f=42 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 15:43:59The small town of Dunkeld on the River Tay — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/640 s; f=28 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 15:45:03The small town of Dunkeld on the River Tay — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/500 s; f=38 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 15:45:31The small town of Dunkeld on the River Tay — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/250 s; f=28 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 15:47:06The Forth Road Bridge is right next to the famous railway bridge. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/500 s; f=70 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 16:59:12The Forth Bridge was built in 1890 after seven years of construction and was the largest at the time span of the world. It is the main railway linking the Scottish Lowlands with the Highlands. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/640 s; f=70 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2011-04-26 16:59:47
Shopping booth full of toy animals, books and other gadgets. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/200 s; f=28 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 14:12:53Volunteers are setting up the tables and preparing for the 400 guests. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/125 s; f=17 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 14:21:41The volunteering kitchen personnel are preparing the dinner in the kitchen. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/200 s; f=48 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 14:57:25Dolphin shaped cookies made by Petra are used as decoration. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/60 s; f=70 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 15:31:10The cashier before the rush hour. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/60 s; f=60 mm; f/3.2; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 16:01:54The cashier before the rush hour. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/125 s; f=70 mm; f/3.2; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 16:02:27The captain Diego and marinero Eduardy of the FIRMM whale watching boats. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/200 s; f=50 mm; f/3.2; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 16:31:46The first guests arrive. : The cashier before the rush hour. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/80 s; f=28 mm; f/3.2; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 16:49:22Cashier Sandra and controller Stefan are taking it very precise. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/60 s; f=62 mm; f/3.2; ISO 800; 2011-02-19 17:05:15Greeting speech by Katharina Heyer, founder of FIRMM. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/80 s; f=92 mm; f/3.2; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 17:17:04Greeting speech by Katharina Heyer, founder of FIRMM. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/125 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 17:49:10Student Angela Solothurnmann of university of Basel is presenting her master's thesis about the family structure of pilot whales. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/320 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 17:57:08Student Angela Solothurnmann of university of Basel is presenting her master's thesis about the family structure of pilot whales. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/250 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 17:58:27Angela Solothurnmann is getting flowers from Katharina Heyer. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/100 s; f=112 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 18:07:32Just arrived back from Namibia, Prof. Dr. Patricia Holm is talking about the effects of climate change on the life in the Strait of Gibraltar. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/400 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 18:08:10Just arrived back from Namibia, Prof. Dr. Patricia Holm is talking about the effects of climate change on the life in the Strait of Gibraltar. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/320 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 18:15:07Just arrived back from Namibia, Prof. Dr. Patricia Holm is talking about the effects of climate change on the life in the Strait of Gibraltar. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/400 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 18:17:49Katharina Heyer at FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/80 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 18:28:25It's dinner time! Everybody is hungry. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/15 s; f=80 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 19:01:32Big selection of delicious cakes. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/100 s; f=112 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 19:03:42Big selection of delicious cakes. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/250 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 19:04:51What else in canton Aargau? Traditional carrot cake. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/250 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 19:06:42Plates with meat. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/60 s; f=80 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 19:06:55It's dinner time! Everybody is hungry. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/100 s; f=17 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 19:12:41Autographing time with captain Diego and marinero Eduardo. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/60 s; f=28 mm; f/3.5; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 19:38:55Director Paul Bieri is presenting his documentary about whales and dolphins in the Strait of Gibraltar and about the life of Katharina Heyer. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/40 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 20:32:52Surprise guest and singer Patrick von Castelberg. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/250 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 20:34:21Surprise guest and singer Patrick von Castelberg. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/200 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 20:34:32Surprise guest and singer Patrick von Castelberg. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/100 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 20:34:54Surprise guest and singer Patrick von Castelberg. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/200 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 20:37:05Surprise guest and singer Patrick von Castelberg. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/160 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 20:37:18Presenting hockey shirts with FIRMM branding. FIRMM meeting at KUK Aarau. — EXIF: Nikon D3; Δt=1/125 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 2011-02-19 21:18:24