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View from Ahornalp towards north into Berner Mittelland. The haze in the sky increases the waste of light and energy into the night sky. The chain of hills on the horizon is the Jura. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=960 s; f=24 mm; f/3.5; ISO 100; 2007-05-19 0:43:40
Trails of stars and astronomers during a telescope meeting on the Ahornalp. The bright wall of the restaurant wasn't that bright in reality. It was lit by a dim light through the curtains of a parked caravan. The sculpture on the left and the roots on the right were lit by a blue LED. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=960 s; f=17 mm; f/4.0; ISO 100; 2007-05-19 2:17:31
Long exposure of a mountain stream close to Adelboden. — Nikon XD-7, October 2002
A yellow pippau is growing between wooden slats. Ahornalp in Emmenthal. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=105 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2007-05-19 14:06:29
A tree with a bench, close to the Ahorn Alp in Emmen Valley. The sky was darkened with Nikon Capture NX because I forgot my polarization filter. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S VR Micro 105mm 1:2.8, Ahornalp, 19 May 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=105 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2007-05-19 14:25:37
Interval picture of the lunar eclipse with palm trees in Ascona. The moon is crossing the Earth's shadow. The interval duration is 8 minutes. The lights in the park are illuminating the palm trees with a yellow light. I had to mask the palms on moth of the pictures - otherwise they would be burned out in yellow colour. No light pollution would be better. Then one can flash the palms on one picture and get natural colours. — Nikon D200, AF-S Nikkor 17-35mm, 6s @ f/4, ISO 100, Ascona, 3./4. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=6 s; f=17 mm; f/4.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-04 0:14:06
The small crescent of the moon, 2.27 days after new moon. — William Optics Zenitstar d=105mm, f=735mm, Vixen GP-D2 mount with FS2 drive, 2x teleconverter, Nikon D200, ISO 100, 1/4s, Ahornalp, 18 May 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/4 s; f=800 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-05-18 20:37:33
The dark side of the moon is lightened up by the bright earth on a black starry sky. This phenomenon is called "earth shine" — William Optics Zenitstar d=105mm, f=735mm, Vixen GP-D2 mount with FS2 drive, 2x teleconverter, Nikon D200, ISO 400, 8s, RAW +1LW, Ahornalp, 18 May 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=8 s; f=800 mm; f/7.1; ISO 400; 2007-05-18 21:13:57
The small crescent of the moon, 2.27 days after new moon. — William Optics Zenitstar d=105mm, f=735mm, Vixen GP-D2 mount with FS2 drive, 2x teleconverter, Nikon D200, ISO 100, 1/8s, Ahornalp, 19 May 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/8 s; f=800 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-05-19 21:16:50
Begin of the Saturn occultation of the Moon. Unfortunately the image is not sharp. The lens of that cheap china telescope was not properly collimiated. I collimated the telescope during the time while the Saturn was behind the Moon. — Nikon D200, William Optics Zenitstar d=105mm f=735mm, 2x Teleconverter, ISO 200, 1/13s, Falera observatory, 22 May 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/10 s; f=800 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-05-22 20:23:06
Somewhere behind these craters there must be Saturn. Shot in prime focus of the 900mm f/10 Cassegrain at Falera observatory. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=800 mm; f/7.1; ISO 400; 2007-05-22 21:03:35
Somewhere behind these craters there must be Saturn. Shot in prime focus of the 900mm f/10 Cassegrain at Falera observatory. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=800 mm; f/7.1; ISO 400; 2007-05-22 21:04:09
The end of the Saturn occultation by the Moon. The pictures from the beginning were too bad because the objective lens was decollimated. I had to collimate it during the eclipse. If the rear lens pair is just 1mm out of center then the picture is very unsharp and has color seams. — Nikon D200, William Optics Zenitstar d=105mm f=735mm, 2x Teleconverter, ISO 200, 1/13s, Falera observatory, 22 May 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/13 s; f=800 mm; f/7.1; ISO 200; 2007-05-22 21:34:48
Craters on the Moon. I don't know all their names. Picture was take somewhen in the 90's and sharpened with Neat Image. I don't remember which telescope I used then: 90mm Schiefspiegler or 300mm Newtonian?
Moon region with crater Tycho and Mare Humorum. Shot somewhere in the 90's
Tarifa, Spain
Smiley in the sand — EXIF: K750i; Δt=1/2500 s; f/2.8; ISO 100; 2007-07-21 19:34:53
Fins on the beach — EXIF: K750i; Δt=1/3200 s; f/2.8; ISO 100; 2007-07-22 15:56:44
A nice little container ship. He probably has cars on board, because many containers are labeled "Hyundai". — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=200 mm; f/9.0; ISO 400; 2007-07-23 8:56:53
Yes, finally a jumping bottlenose dolphin in the right light, moment with everything and caught sharply. The best show usually takes place at the front of the boat. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=92 mm; f/5.0; ISO 400; 2007-07-23 9:08:41
And another picture of the same jump. Had to rotate and crop it a bit as the horizon was crooked. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=92 mm; f/5.0; ISO 400; 2007-07-23 9:08:41
Well, as is so often the case, the bottlenose dolphin here is a bit too far away to capture his jump nicely. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=200 mm; f/6.3; ISO 400; 2007-07-23 9:13:10
A bottlenose dolphin with its head above water — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=200 mm; f/5.0; ISO 400; 2007-07-23 17:47:33
A bottlenose dolphin shooting out of the sea. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=105 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2007-07-23 17:53:17
This bottlenose dolphin jumped out of the water several times in a row and threw itself to one side. In the background you can still see Tarifa, the southernmost town in Europe. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=200 mm; f/5.0; ISO 400; 2007-07-23 17:55:37
A bottlenose dolphin jumping out of the water and throwing itself onto its side. In the background you can still see Tarifa, the southernmost town in Europe. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=200 mm; f/6.3; ISO 400; 2007-07-23 17:56:35
A bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=200 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2007-07-24 10:45:37
A bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=80 mm; f/5.0; ISO 400; 2007-07-24 10:55:34
Katharina Heyer, the founder of the
Foundation — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=80 mm; f/7.1; ISO 400; 2007-07-24 11:04:16
A common pilot whale (Globicephala melas) — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=200 mm; f/7.1; ISO 400; 2007-07-24 11:10:27
A bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=200 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2007-07-24 11:10:50
A bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). This is the follow-up image of an almost perfect shot of a jump. Unfortunately, the nose was cut off in the picture. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=200 mm; f/6.3; ISO 400; 2007-07-24 11:13:14
A young pilot whale with its mother. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=185 mm; f/6.3; ISO 400; 2007-07-24 11:22:17
A young pilot whale with its mother. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=92 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2007-07-24 11:22:24
A bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=175 mm; f/5.0; ISO 400; 2007-07-24 11:28:33
The tanker Filikon. As you will see in the next few pictures, there are a few bottlenose dolphins riding in its bow wave. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=80 mm; f/10.0; ISO 400; 2007-07-24 11:29:30
Bottlenose dolphins riding waves in the bow wave of a large tanker. Morocco is in the background. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=200 mm; f/9.0; ISO 400; 2007-07-24 11:30:12
Bottlenose dolphins riding waves in the bow wave of a large tanker. In the background you can see Morocco. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=200 mm; f/11.0; ISO 400; 2007-07-24 11:30:25
A bottlenose dolphin diving — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=80 mm; f/9.0; ISO 400; 2007-07-24 15:38:30
A baby pilot whale — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=200 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2007-07-24 18:38:52
Moroccan fishermen on their small nutshell try to catch a tuna in the evening sun. In the background the mainland of Morocco. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=200 mm; f/8.0; ISO 400; 2007-07-24 19:07:06
Moroccan fishermen on their small nutshell try to catch a tuna in the evening sun. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=86 mm; f/7.1; ISO 400; 2007-07-24 19:07:24
Moroccan fishermen on their small nutshell try to catch a tuna in the evening sun. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/800 s; f=200 mm; f/22.0; ISO 400; 2007-07-24 19:08:50
The small boat by
. On the left of the picture on the railing is Jörn Selling, one of the marine biologists who has been with us for many years. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=200 mm; f/10.0; ISO 400; 2007-07-27 10:37:59
Stella Maris Film
film crew at work on the film "
The Last Giants - when the sea dies
" about the whales and dolphins in the Strait of Gibraltar. The underwater film camera is presented to the diver. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=200 mm; f/9.0; ISO 400; 2007-07-27 10:45:58
Stella Maris Film
film crew at work on the film "
The Last Giants - when the sea dies
" about the whales and dolphins in the Strait of Gibraltar. Snorkeling in the Strait of Gibraltar is not without its dangers. As you can see here, there is constant traffic with large ships. There are also strong currents. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=130 mm; f/9.0; ISO 400; 2007-07-27 10:48:01
Stella Maris Film
film crew at work on the film "
The Last Giants - when the sea dies
" about the whales and dolphins in the Strait of Gibraltar. A snorkeler can still be seen among the pilot dwales. In the background a gigantic container freighter. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=200 mm; f/10.0; ISO 400; 2007-07-27 10:49:36
Just be careful not to get under the ferry.
Stella Maris Film
film crew at work on the film "
The Last Giants - when the sea dies
". — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=200 mm; f/7.1; ISO 400; 2007-07-27 10:57:30
Whale-Watchers watch the film crew of
Stella Maris Film
as they film "
The Last Giants - when the sea dies
". — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=80 mm; f/9.0; ISO 400; 2007-07-27 10:59:09
Stella Maris Film
film crew at work on the film "
The Last Giants - when the sea dies
" about the whales and dolphins in the Strait of Gibraltar. Camerawoman Kathleen Herbst films a pilot whale by the rubber dinghy. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=200 mm; f/7.1; ISO 400; 2007-07-27 11:00:34
Scuba Plankton. The two cameramen from
Stella Maris Film
in the middle of the Strait of Gibraltar. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=200 mm; f/7.1; ISO 400; 2007-07-27 11:01:11
The film team from
Stella Maris Film
with Michael Weyhers, Daniele Grieco, Kathleen Herbst (from left to right) is visibly over the moon about the close encounter with pilot whales underwater in the Strait of Gibraltar. The film "
The Last Giants - When the Sea Dies
" shot here opened in September 2009 in cinemas. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=100 mm; f/8.0; ISO 400; 2007-07-27 11:11:29
Stella Maris Film
film crew at the photoshoot. The film "
The Last Giants - When the Sea Dies
" shot here opened in September 2009 in cinemas. — Strait of Gibraltar — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=105 mm; f/9.0; ISO 400; 2007-07-27 11:12:31
The sun is setting above the fog sea below Mount Rigi. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Rigi Kulm, 26 December 2006
The sun is setting above the fog sea below Mount Rigi. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Rigi Kulm, 26 December 2006
Switzerland lies on the coast of a big ocean, an ocean of fog. During winter time the lowlands of Switzerland sometimes are below a layer of fog for several weeks. According to satellite images, almost whole Europe was below fog that day. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Rigi Kulm, 26 December 2006
The sun is setting above the fog sea below Mount Rigi. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Rigi Kulm, 26 December 2006
The sun is setting above the fog sea below Mount Rigi. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Rigi Kulm, 26 December 2006
The sun is setting above the fog sea below Mount Rigi. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Rigi Kulm, 26 December 2006
Mount Great Mythen with very little snow, seen from the ski hut at Holzegg. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Holzegg, 30 December 2006
Lake Lucerne is covered by a sea of fog. See from the ski ut at Holzegg. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm, Holzegg, 30 December 2006
A wooden bench in the snow with glowing red sky. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm, Holzegg, 30 December 2006
The partial solar eclipse of 10th May 1994 occured behind that particular cloud. A group of stargazer colleagues was exactly beneath it. Shot from top of Bachtel/ZH. — Minolta X-300, Fujichrome Velvia, 10 May 1994
Stars above a cloud with lightning in it. — Ottikon/ZH, July 1997
A lightning strikes the ground at the villa residence Hurden/SZ — Minolta XD7, 50mm lens at about f/2.8, some seconds exposure time, Kodachrome 64, August 2003
Strange clouds after a heavy storm — Nikon D70, AF-S Nikkor 28-70mm 1:2.8, Rapperswil, 18 July 2005
Cirrus clouds at sunrise — Nikon D70, AF-S Nikkor 80-200mm 1:2.8, 24 September 2005
Lake Lucerne
The wreck of a garden chair at a depth of about 17m. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Sea bath Vitznau, Lake Lucerne, 24 June 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/31 s; f=12 mm; f/4.0; ISO 400; 2007-06-24 12:16:13
A swarm of Eglis in the branches of a sunken tree. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Sea bath Vitznau, Lake Lucerne, 24 June 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/200 s; f=24 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-06-24 12:39:56
A swarm of young Eglis hiding in the branches of a sunken tree. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Sea bath Vitznau, Lake Lucerne, 24 June 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=24 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2007-06-24 12:45:17
A tree stub in backlight — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Sea bath Vitznau, Lake Lucerne, 24 June 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=12 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2007-06-24 12:47:42
A swarm of pollywogs. There were so many that I could't catch them all with my camera. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Sea bath Vitznau, Lake Lucerne, 24 June 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/80 s; f=12 mm; f/4.5; ISO 100; 2007-06-24 12:53:12
Sun beams under the trees on the shore. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Sea bath Vitznau, Lake Lucerne, 24 June 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/40 s; f=12 mm; f/4.0; ISO 100; 2007-06-24 13:01:01
Diver Mischa in Lake Lucerne at a depth of about 29 meters. The visibilty was bad down to 20m. The sky was sunny bright blue while we started to dive. After the dive it rained for the rest of the day. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Beckenried Rütenen, Lake Lucerne, 8 July 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=12 mm; f/4.5; ISO 200; 2007-07-08 11:47:01
A new year's eve fireworks for poor people — Nikon D200, Nikkor Micro AF-S VR 105mm 1:2.8, ISO 100, 1s, f/16, 4 January 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1 s; f=105 mm; f/16.0; ISO 100; 2007-01-04 22:05:12
A new year's eve fireworks for poor people — Nikon D200, Nikkor Micro AF-S VR 105mm 1:2.8, ISO 100, 1s, f/16, 4 January 2007
Flame of a candle light. — Nikon D200, Nikkor Micro AF-S VR 105mm 1:2.8, ISO 100, 1s, f/16, 4 January 2007
A gummi bear threesome — Nikon D200, Nikkor Micro AF-S VR 105mm 1:2.8, 4 June 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=105 mm; f/22.0; ISO 100; 2007-06-04 17:35:05
A pale dead gummi bear with red gazers — Nikon D200, Nikkor Micro AF-S VR 105mm 1:2.8, 4 June 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=105 mm; f/22.0; ISO 100; 2007-06-04 17:44:15
An injured bloody gummi bear with pale audience. — Nikon D200, Nikkor Micro AF-S VR 105mm 1:2.8, 4 June 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=105 mm; f/22.0; ISO 100; 2007-06-04 17:49:32
Looks like an underwater salad but it's a water lily that has no blossom yet. Old Rhine, Diepoldsau — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/91 s; f=12 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-04-28 15:38:09
A small group of tenches. Old Rhine, Diepoldsau — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=24 mm; f/5.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-28 16:00:48
St. Gallen
Just some kind of a bug. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=105 mm; f/16.0; ISO 100; 2007-05-19 15:07:52
Dragonflies are creating a heart shape while having sex. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=105 mm; f/16.0; ISO 250; 2007-06-09 14:07:43
The empty skin of a dragonfly larva. I missed the moment when it got out. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=105 mm; f/7.1; ISO 200; 2007-06-10 9:34:19
A dragonfly sitting on a blade of grass. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=105 mm; f/10.0; ISO 400; 2007-06-10 9:53:33
Portrait of a small jump spider sitting on my kitchen table. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/200 s; f=210 mm; f/22.0; ISO 200; 2007-06-18 17:34:03
The famous parliament building of Budapest illuminated by beams. Last year there were riots because the president spoke some impolite things about the people and didn't know that the microphone was still on. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70 1:2.8D, 2s @ f/5.6, ISO 100, Budapest, Hungary, 16 March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=2 s; f=60 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-03-16 18:32:10
The parliament building as seen from the Margit bridge across the river Danube. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70 1:2.8D, 8s @ f/8, ISO 100, Budapest, Hungary, 16 March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=8 s; f=70 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-16 18:57:53
From left to right: St. Anna church, Novotel hotel and on the castle hill the Matthew church and the Hilton hotel. The picture was taken on the Margit bridge across the river Danube. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70 1:2.8D, 8s @ f/8, ISO 100, Budapest, Hungary, 16 March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=8 s; f=70 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-16 18:59:03
Patio of an apartment building close to the parliament. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 12-24mm, Budapest, Hungary, 17. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=12 mm; f/5.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-17 7:38:37
The stairways of an apartment building. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 12-24mm, Budapest, Hungary, 17. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/10 s; f=12 mm; f/4.0; ISO 200; 2007-03-17 7:44:00
The Matthew church and the Hilton hotel dominate the castle hill of Budapest. On the right side is the St. Anna church on the shore of the Danube. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Budapest, Hungary, 18. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=50 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-03-18 9:26:50
A road in Budapest leading to the parliament building. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Budapest, Hungary, 18. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=65 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-03-18 9:35:56
A road of Budapest and the Matthew church on the other side of the river Danube. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Budapest, Hungary, 18. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=70 mm; f/7.1; ISO 200; 2007-03-18 10:12:04
A yellow train in Budapes driving along the left shore of the Danube. Shot with exposure time of 1/25s. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Budapest, Hungary, 18. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/25 s; f=28 mm; f/13.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-18 10:25:36
The famous chain bridge across the river Danube. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Budapest, Hungary, 18. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/100 s; f=15 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-18 10:40:29
The famous chain bridge across the river Danube with a red Lada car. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Budapest, Hungary, 18. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/80 s; f=48 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-03-18 10:46:05
The cable train to the top of the castle hill of Budapest. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Budapest, Hungary, 18. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/100 s; f=56 mm; f/5.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-18 11:08:18
The castle gate of the palace. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Budapest, Hungary, 18. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=28 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-03-18 11:24:08
The chain bridge across the green Danube and a long freight ship passing by beneath. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Budapest, Hungary, 18. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=70 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-03-18 11:40:02
Two painters painting the windows on the castle palace. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Budapest, Hungary, 18. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=70 mm; f/4.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-18 11:49:58
The fisher bastille with its pretty towers right beside the Matthiew church. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Budapest, Hungary, 18. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=32 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-03-18 12:15:02
Two mucicians playing in a gallery of the fisher bastille close to the museum. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Budapest, Hungary, 18. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/91 s; f=28 mm; f/5.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-18 12:21:39
Commercial for nerds. I don't know which web address should be printed. Probably they are looking for programmers. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Budapest, Hungary, 18. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/80 s; f=40 mm; f/4.5; ISO 100; 2007-03-18 13:15:03
Horray, there is a Trabbi - probably forgotten here back in 1989. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Budapest, Hungary, 18. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=56 mm; f/2.8; ISO 100; 2007-03-18 13:18:18
Illuminated castle palace with chain bridge in the dusk. The light turned on at about 18:00 and at 18:30 the sky was already too dark to appear blue on right exposed pictures. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Budapest, Hungary, 18. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=8 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-18 18:17:44
The matthew church on the castle hill with the illuminated fisher bastille. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Budapest, Hungary, 18. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=8 s; f=56 mm; f/16.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-18 18:22:05
The illuminated castle palache with chain bridge in dusk. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Budapest, Hungary, 18. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=15 s; f=32 mm; f/16.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-18 18:27:24
Illumination in Budapest. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Budapest, Hungary, 18. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=5 s; f=70 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-18 18:30:11
And again: the parliament building at night. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8, Budapest, Hungary, 18. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=10 s; f=28 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-18 18:40:08
View from a small cave to a rock wall above the water line. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Ha, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/1520 s; f=5.8 mm; f/8.1; ISO 400; 2007-12-23 5:34:13
The air from the divers in the cave is creating a curtain of bubbles. Looks like diving in a jakuzzie. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Ha, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/470 s; f=5.8 mm; f/4.7; ISO 400; 2007-12-23 5:34:56
A special highlight of the dive site Koh Ha: One can ascend through a chimney from 15m to 5m depth. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Ha, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/164 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 100; 2007-12-23 5:39:21
A swarm of hatchetfish in the cave. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Ha, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/15 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 400; 2007-12-23 5:42:24
A nice big gorgony on a rock. Unfortunately I don't have a strobe. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Ha, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/105 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-12-23 7:38:47
Divers hanging around like bat on the cave entrance. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Ha, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/154 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-12-23 7:43:03
Black divers in a dark cave. Unfortunately the CCD chip of the Ricoh GX8 is very noisy at ISO higher than 400. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Ha, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/98 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-12-23 7:44:54
Escaping from the cave through a rock arch. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Ha, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/204 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-12-23 7:47:10
A swarm of little glass fish. With a strobe this would be a nice picture. Why did I left my big camera at home? — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Ha, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/46 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-12-23 7:55:06
A pufferfish above a stone coral. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Ha, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/98 s; f=16.6 mm; f/4.2; ISO 200; 2007-12-23 7:59:40
A lionfish. Is it black or red? No light, no colours. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Ha, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/74 s; f=12 mm; f/3.4; ISO 200; 2007-12-23 8:03:22
A swarm of yellow fish. I don't remember their name. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Ha, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/143 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-12-23 8:24:24
The crown of thorns belongs to the starfish. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Ha, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/105 s; f=7.2 mm; f/2.7; ISO 200; 2007-12-23 8:32:19
This is rare: A big jellyfish with small fishes around and inside. I don't know if these fish are hiding themselves or the jellyfish is digesting them. I should have spent more time on this for taking pictures. I made only a movie. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Hin Nok, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/290 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-12-24 4:30:32
Two shrimps. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Hin Nok, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/91 s; f=17.4 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2007-12-24 4:32:31
A wart seaslug (Phyllidia ocellata) — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Hin Nok, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/15 s; f=10 mm; f/10.1; ISO 200; 2007-12-24 4:40:41
A jellyfish that attacked my wideangle lens. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Hin Nok, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/810 s; f=5.8 mm; f/8.1; ISO 400; 2007-12-24 7:01:25
Hmmm ... is it a not or leopard moray eel? — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Hin Nok, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/49 s; f=10.6 mm; f/6.0; ISO 400; 2007-12-24 7:11:20
A moray eel — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Hin Nok, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/56 s; f=12 mm; f/11.2; ISO 400; 2007-12-24 7:35:28
Lionfish — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Hin Nok, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/105 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 400; 2007-12-24 7:43:06
Three lionfishes — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Hin Nok, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/411 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 400; 2007-12-24 7:48:13
Ouch! This moray eel wanted the bait on that hook. Poor biest. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Hin Nok, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/64 s; f=13.5 mm; f/3.7; ISO 400; 2007-12-24 7:52:34
When angels are diving ... My girlfriend Sandra diving with knee protector. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Hin Daeng, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/112 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-12-25 4:58:59
A swarm of glass fishes. Where are the colours? — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Hin Daeng, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/53 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-12-25 5:02:20
Sandra surrounded by sun glare. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Hin Daeng, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/2000 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-12-25 5:14:29
Yet another swarm of glass fishes pushing towards the corals for protection. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Hin Daeng, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/46 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-12-25 5:16:47
A small group of barracudas. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Hin Daeng, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/290 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 400; 2007-12-25 5:28:52
A swarm of batfishes crossing our diver group. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Hin Daeng, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/191 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 400; 2007-12-25 5:30:50
Deep dive algebra lessons for the advanced open water diver (AOWD). Multiplicative operations take precedence over additive operations. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Rok, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/271 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 400; 2007-12-27 4:47:05
A swarm of small barracudas. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Rok, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/871 s; f=12.8 mm; f/3.6; ISO 200; 2007-12-27 5:25:27
A whole population of christmas tree worms in a stone coral. The colourful spiral feathers are gills that they draw in rapidly when danger or a photographer approaches. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Rok, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/871 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-12-27 5:26:56
A giant clam. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Rok, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/271 s; f=12.8 mm; f/3.6; ISO 200; 2007-12-27 5:28:44
A wart seaslug with polyps. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Rok, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/80 s; f=14.2 mm; f/3.8; ISO 200; 2007-12-28 5:26:05
This poison sea snake just laid down for taking a nap. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Ha, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/661 s; f=12.8 mm; f/3.6; ISO 400; 2007-12-28 5:51:24
Pretty underwater landscape at the five rocks of the dive site Koh Ha. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Ha, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/810 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 400; 2007-12-28 5:59:42
Pretty underwater landscape at the five rocks of the dive site Koh Ha. — Sea & Sea DX-8000G, Koh Ha, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/1741 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 400; 2007-12-28 6:01:31
Unfortunately these two bannerfish were no longer nicely swimming side by side as soon as I approached them. One of them turned away. Hin Nok, Thailand — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/204 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 400; 2007-12-28 8:20:14
A mooris idol fish is feeding on the algae growing on a rock. Hin Nok, Thailand — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/411 s; f=13.5 mm; f/3.7; ISO 400; 2007-12-28 8:32:31
A diver with a not so ideal trim inside a cavern. Hin Nok, Thailand — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/250 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 400; 2007-12-28 8:36:53
Meeting other divers in this cavern. Hin Nok, Thailand — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/46 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 400; 2007-12-28 8:38:10
A moray eel is looking out of its dwelling hole. Hin Nok, Thailand — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/64 s; f=12.8 mm; f/6.6; ISO 200; 2007-12-29 4:12:37
A swarm of hatchedfish above a coral reef. Hin Nok, Thailand — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/271 s; f=12.8 mm; f/3.6; ISO 200; 2007-12-29 4:21:39
A nice group photo of a scorpionfish and a wart slug. Oh would that be a good image if I had my big camera with the strobe with me and not just this crappy Sea & Sea DX-8000G. Hin Nok, Thailand — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/200 s; f=12 mm; f/6.4; ISO 200; 2007-12-29 4:39:19
A sea cucumber with tentacles. Hin Nok, Thailand — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/204 s; f=10 mm; f/3.1; ISO 200; 2007-12-29 4:45:21
A black lionfish. Maybe it was red, but the colour red is missing because I didn't have a flash with me. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/290 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-12-29 4:57:22
Swimming in salty fish soup. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/710 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-12-29 5:04:29
A nice and big scorpionfish. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/143 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-12-29 5:06:17
Just a group of fish facing towards the current. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/217 s; f=12 mm; f/3.4; ISO 200; 2007-12-29 6:52:20
Two slugs are racing each other through the entire coral reef. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/32 s; f=5.8 mm; f/8.1; ISO 200; 2007-12-29 7:02:39
A moray eel is looking out of its hole. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/56 s; f=12 mm; f/6.4; ISO 200; 2007-12-29 7:13:25
Just a swarm of fish. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/440 s; f=5.8 mm; f/4.7; ISO 200; 2007-12-29 7:24:11
These nervous clownfish never stand still. Using a camera with shutter lag (like this one) one has to shoot randomly one picture after another and hope that at least one is good. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/217 s; f=11.3 mm; f/6.2; ISO 200; 2007-12-29 7:27:00
Small butterfly fish hiding between the branches of a coral. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/91 s; f=11.3 mm; f/6.2; ISO 200; 2007-12-29 7:27:59
A swarm of glassfish is hiding the coral reef. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/64 s; f=9.3 mm; f/3.0; ISO 400; 2007-12-30 5:05:33
Just a nice coral trout that didn't like to be photographed. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/164 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 400; 2007-12-30 5:24:58
A nice garden of corals with diver bubbles in the background. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/440 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 400; 2007-12-30 5:25:47
A swarm of batfish. Oh, this would be a nice picture with the proper camera gear! — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/125 s; f=15 mm; f/3.9; ISO 400; 2007-12-30 5:28:45
Portrait of a giant pufferfish. Also this would be a niche picture with a proper camera. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/53 s; f=5.8 mm; f/4.7; ISO 161; 2007-12-30 8:06:02
A coral trout swimming across a meadow full of anemones. This dive site is remarkable. There are only two rocks. One is full of anemones and the other has none on it. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/35 s; f=5.8 mm; f/4.7; ISO 100; 2007-12-30 8:16:32
That's a wart slug. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/32 s; f=5.8 mm; f/4.7; ISO 125; 2007-12-30 8:22:04
These are two wart slugs of another species. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/36 s; f=7.9 mm; f/5.2; ISO 125; 2007-12-30 8:23:18
Two cleaning shrimps are waiting for their next cleaning job. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/36 s; f=7.9 mm; f/5.2; ISO 183; 2007-12-30 8:27:45
Boats in the port of Pak Meng. In the background the typical rocks as they stand in the water. — Nikon D200, Pak Meng, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=24 mm; f/7.1; ISO 200; 2007-12-23 6:00:22
Boats in the port of Pak Meng. — Nikon D200, Pak Meng, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=24 mm; f/7.1; ISO 200; 2007-12-23 6:00:47
Boats in the port of Pak Meng. — Nikon D200, Pak Meng, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/200 s; f=42 mm; f/7.1; ISO 200; 2007-12-23 6:02:18
What you can recycle old car engines into. Typical hand blender-powered long-tail boats — Nikon D200, Pak Meng, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=48 mm; f/6.3; ISO 200; 2007-12-23 6:03:03
The pier of Pak Meng Port — Nikon D200, Pak Meng, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=24 mm; f/7.1; ISO 200; 2007-12-23 6:03:24
The full moon rises next to one of the rocks off Ko Hai Island. — Nikon D200, Koh Hai, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=6 s; f=82 mm; f/5.3; ISO 400; 2007-12-24 12:42:19
A few more steps to the left and the rising full moon is positioned behind the rocks. In the foreground the dive boats from
Rainbow Divers
. — Nikon D200, Koh Hai, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=6 s; f=102 mm; f/5.6; ISO 800; 2007-12-24 12:52:56
Dancers in front of a picture with snowmen at Christmas. — Nikon D200, Koh Hai, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/15 s; f=78 mm; f/5.3; ISO 1250; 2007-12-24 13:41:42
At Christmas, dancers in front of a picture with snowmen. — Nikon D200, Koh Hai, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/5 s; f=120 mm; f/5.6; ISO 800; 2007-12-24 14:11:32
One of the five rocks at the very beautiful Koh Ha dive site. — Rico Caplio GX8, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/500 s; f=5.8 mm; f/8.1; ISO 100; 2007-12-28 6:31:34
The dive site Koh Ha: Five rocks look out of the water. — Rico Caplio GX8, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/540 s; f=5.8 mm; f/8.1; ISO 64; 2007-12-28 6:32:29
The dive site Koh Ha: Dive boats anchor between the rocks. — Rico Caplio GX8, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/710 s; f=5.8 mm; f/4.7; ISO 64; 2007-12-28 6:33:30
The dive site Koh Ha: Five rocks look out of the water. — Rico Caplio GX8, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/290 s; f=5.8 mm; f/8.1; ISO 64; 2007-12-28 6:34:14
The dive site Koh Ha: Five rocks with a tiny sandy beach. — Rico Caplio GX8, Thailand, December 2007 — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/204 s; f=17.4 mm; f/8.0; ISO 64; 2007-12-28 6:36:54
Vilamendhoo, Maldives
An Air Taxi boarding at Male Seaplane Airport — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=78 mm; f/9.0; ISO 800; 2007-11-13 6:01:29
An Air Taxi at Male Seaplane Airport — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=120 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-11-13 6:01:40
An Air Taxi at Male Seaplane Airport — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=120 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-11-13 6:01:58
Kurumba Village
resort, just north of Male Airport. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=32 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-11-13 6:14:46
According to official information, the small island of Feydhoo Finolhu is a
operated by the Maldivian government Outdoor training camp
... or is it a
prison camp
? In any case, the location is exclusive. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=120 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-11-13 6:15:37
Typical round underwater reefs in the interior of the North Male Atoll, north of the capital Male — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=50 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-11-13 6:15:57
The island of Thila Fushi west of Male in North Male Atoll. Here you will find mainly industry and waste disposal. Compare the color of the water in the lagoon in front with that in the more distant part. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=55 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-11-13 6:17:15
A natural channel that connects an atoll's lagoon to the sea. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=40 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2007-11-13 6:20:14
A dragonfly with two geckos on the ceiling light of our bungalow. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/50 s; f=82 mm; f/5.3; ISO 200; 2007-11-14 17:16:19
Night over Vilamendhoo, but the jetty is illuminated with bright spotlights, allowing the fish to be seen below at night. At top right is the lying constellation Orion. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=30 s; f=24 mm; f/5.0; ISO 800; 2007-11-14 17:36:46
The most photographed palm on the island
. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=24 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-11-15 9:21:48
A seaplane of the Maldivian Air Taxi airline. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=120 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-11-15 9:43:43
A kitschy card motif: Blossom on the sandy beach in the evening sun. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S VR 24-120mm, South Ari Atoll, Maldives, November 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=45 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-11-15 13:11:00
One of the gray herons that were constantly on the lookout for fish on the beach. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S VR 24-120mm, South Ari Atoll, Maldives, November 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=70 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 4:34:49
The western tip of Vilamendhoo Island — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S VR 24-120mm, South Ari Atoll, Maldives, November 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=58 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 4:38:18
The east tip of the island of Vilamendhoo, 900m from the west tip. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S VR 24-120mm, South Ari Atoll, Maldives, November 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=120 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 4:43:38
The resort
Ranveli Village
just next to Vilamendhoo. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=120 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2007-11-17 4:53:36
On the streets of the island of Dhangethi. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=24 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 5:17:41
The shopping street of the resident island of Dhangethi — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=24 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 5:26:07
On the streets of Dhangethi Resident Island. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=24 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 5:35:37
Heavy traffic on the streets of the inhabited island of Dhangethi. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=120 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 5:38:24
One of the two mosques on Dhangethi. Next door is the small cemetery. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=38 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 5:40:30
The small cemetery on the resident island of Dhangethi — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/200 s; f=24 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 5:41:31
A corrugated iron shack at Dhoni Shipyard Dhangethi. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/200 s; f=38 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 5:47:50
Hmm...isn't there a screw missing? A dhone under repair at the shipyard on the island of Dhangethi. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=24 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 5:51:41
Boats in front of the beach on the island of Dhangethi. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=82 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 5:53:25
A Maldivian child playing on Dhangethi beach. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=120 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 6:04:28
An elderly Maldivian resident walking on the pier of Dhangethi Island. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=120 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 6:07:30
A Maldivian boy performing bicycle stunts at the pier of Dhangethi island. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=110 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 6:08:27
The sign of Dhangethi on the pier. Something reminiscent of the identification sign of youth hostels. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/80 s; f=24 mm; f/4.5; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 6:17:10
Maldivians at Dhangheti Pier. Some local women wear black headscarves, some colorful ones, and some don't wear them at all. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=66 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 6:22:41
A shipwreck was included in the planning of the hut. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=45 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 7:12:40
Two snorkelers off the beach on Lily Beach Island. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=120 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 8:04:41
A young sea turtle gasping for air. There is a breeding station on Lily Beach. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/80 s; f=120 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 8:10:50
A young sea turtle gasping for air. There is an elevator on Lily Beach — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/80 s; f=120 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 8:15:45
A young sea turtle gasping for air. There is a breeding station on Lily Beach. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/91 s; f=120 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 8:17:20
A typically kitschy motif: a parasol on the beach on the island of Lily Beach. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/200 s; f=62 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 8:18:50
Beer belly ahead... the Teutons have taken over the atoll! — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=120 mm; f/8.0; ISO 400; 2007-11-18 7:18:47
A cheesy photo of a sunset in front of Vilamendhoo's most photographed palm tree. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=38 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-11-18 13:46:14
Snorkeling in the sunset. A cheesy photo of a sunset in front of Vilamendhoo's most photographed palm tree. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=120 mm; f/16.0; ISO 100; 2007-11-18 13:47:10
The moon lights up the night over Vilamendhoo. Since I didn't have a cable release with me, I could only expose for a maximum of 30 seconds. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=30 s; f=24 mm; f/3.5; ISO 800; 2007-11-18 15:16:35
One of the many nimble shore crabs in her hole she digs to hide from the tide. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=105 mm; f/14.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-23 3:34:51
A small beach crab. The young ones are not yet as shy and cautious as the older ones ... or only the cautious crabs get as old as that. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=105 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-23 3:59:40
One of the many nimble shore crabs in her hole she digs to hide from the tide. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=105 mm; f/18.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-23 4:05:00
A larger, dark colored beach crab in front of its sand hole. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=105 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-23 4:12:25
A larger, dark colored beach crab in front of its sand hole. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=105 mm; f/16.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-23 4:13:36
Ilham, one of the local dive guides is on the lookout for whale sharks or manta rays. — South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=62 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-11-23 5:37:03
One of the jumping Marlins regularly seen from the boat. Unfortunately I didn't have my big telephoto lens with me and if someone jumped close enough to the boat they only did it once or I didn't have the camera with me. Marlins usually jump up several times during the hunt and smack the side of their body on the water surface. — South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=120 mm; f/9.0; ISO 400; 2007-11-23 5:54:00
Palm trees and the typical bush vegetation on the island of Dhigurah. — South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=120 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2007-11-23 6:08:48
Palm trees and the typical bush vegetation on the island of Dhigurah. — South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=120 mm; f/9.0; ISO 100; 2007-11-23 6:19:22
White Sands Resort
water bungalows on Ari Beach Island. — South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=120 mm; f/9.0; ISO 100; 2007-11-23 6:29:50
Two Maldivians stand on the bow of a liveaboard boat and are believed to be on the lookout for whale sharks. — South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=120 mm; f/10.0; ISO 400; 2007-11-23 6:56:35
Ilham, one of the local dive guides from
Euro Divers
. — South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=50 mm; f/4.8; ISO 400; 2007-11-23 10:23:47
A deco buoy used by divers in a lagoon. South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=120 mm; f/10.0; ISO 400; 2007-11-23 11:24:08
A floating ice cream stand in the middle of the sea. :-) — South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=120 mm; f/10.0; ISO 400; 2007-11-23 12:18:01
A floating ice cream stand in the middle of the sea. :-) — South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=120 mm; f/9.0; ISO 400; 2007-11-23 12:18:23
A cloud is reflected on the mirror-like sea surface — South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/350 s; f=40 mm; f/10.0; ISO 100; 2007-11-23 12:20:42
A miniature shot of a flying fish. Since I didn't take my big telephoto with me, just with digital zoom. — South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=120 mm; f/7.1; ISO 400; 2007-11-23 12:30:22
Yo, let's fetz... Two locals with a motor boat. — South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=120 mm; f/8.0; ISO 400; 2007-11-23 12:45:51
Maldivian Air Taxi
airline seaplane taking off with two canoeists. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=120 mm; f/9.0; ISO 100; 2007-11-23 12:53:21
And another kitschy sunset photo with Dhoni and two canoeists. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=120 mm; f/9.0; ISO 100; 2007-11-23 13:46:32
A hermit crab on a sandy beach in the morning sun. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=105 mm; f/14.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-24 3:27:21
A hermit crab on a sandy beach in the morning sun. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=105 mm; f/13.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-24 3:33:37
A hermit crab on a sandy beach in the morning sun. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=105 mm; f/13.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-24 3:34:10
My footprint on the sandy beach. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S VR Micro 105mm, Vilamendhoo, S& — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=105 mm; f/13.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-24 3:37:38
Two hermit crabs on the sandy beach in the morning sun. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=105 mm; f/14.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-24 3:39:23
A cheesy motif of a blossom on the beach with a heart-shaped shadow. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/500 s; f=105 mm; f/11.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-24 3:47:00
A heron has caught one of the many small red-toothed triggerfish. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=58 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-24 13:02:21
A heron has caught one of the many small red-toothed triggerfish. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=90 mm; f/7.1; ISO 200; 2007-11-24 13:02:58
At first glance it looks like a love game, but two herons are fighting over the fishing grounds on the beach. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=66 mm; f/7.1; ISO 400; 2007-11-24 13:12:33
Two herons are fighting over the fishing grounds on the beach. It's clear who won here. One wasn't exactly squeamish and hacked at the other's skull. Ravens came flying over and loudly watched the spectacle and a few tourists were shocked that I was just watching and taking pictures. You should just let nature take its course. Shortly thereafter, a third heron came and scared the aggressor away. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=90 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2007-11-24 13:14:04
Dhonis, the traditional wooden boats in the Maldives in the evening sun. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=95 mm; f/6.3; ISO 400; 2007-11-24 13:25:54
A heron is fishing in the evening sun at the pier. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/751 s; f=90 mm; f/7.1; ISO 400; 2007-11-24 13:33:21
Oh dear, golden kitsch. Sunset with herons and dhoni — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/800 s; f=120 mm; f/14.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-24 13:42:39
One of the beach's native rock crabs enjoys a meal of seaweed in the evening sun. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/100 s; f=120 mm; f/5.6; ISO 800; 2007-11-25 13:44:13
Air Taxi boarding in front of Vilamendhoo Island. — Vilamendhoo, South Ari Atoll, Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=24 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-26 5:33:07
A small reef in Ari Atoll — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=48 mm; f/7.1; ISO 200; 2007-11-26 5:44:41
The east side of Ari Atoll with the native islands
(foreground: and Omadoo. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=42 mm; f/11.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-26 5:45:34
The port engine of the twin engine seaplane. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/500 s; f=24 mm; f/3.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-26 5:54:23
Male, the capital island of the Maldives with the port. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=45 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-26 6:03:56
Male, the capital island of the Maldives. In the background you can see the airport with the landing strip. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=66 mm; f/9.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-26 6:04:03
Male, the capital of the Maldives in the sunlight. Reminds me a bit of Manhattan Island. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=120 mm; f/7.1; ISO 200; 2007-11-26 6:06:42
Male Airport. On the right is the seaplane airport. — Maldives — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=90 mm; f/9.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-26 6:07:33
South-Ari Atoll, Maldives
A sting ray on sandy bottom with a swarm of young trigger fish. A flashed foreground would here be nice ... but my strobe was at home. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/84 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 100; 2007-11-14 11:03:56
At almost every dive we saw big swarms of young trigger fishes. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/661 s; f=5.8 mm; f/4.7; ISO 100; 2007-11-14 11:06:35
Big swarms of young trigger fishes were typical for this season and dive location. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/74 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 100; 2007-11-14 11:08:09
Dive buddy mirela and a swarm of young trigger fishes. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/112 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 100; 2007-11-14 11:23:03
One of the shy big napoloen fishes. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/27 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 100; 2007-11-14 11:28:18
And again a swarm of young trigger fishes because it was so pretty. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/204 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-15 6:01:25
A scorpion fish. No strobe = no colour.. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/154 s; f=5.8 mm; f/8.1; ISO 200; 2007-11-15 6:51:54
A small school of bat fishes with a swarm of young trigger fishes. Unfortunately I have to breathe under water from time to time and the bubbles disturbed the fishes. That's why they aren't looking into the same direction anymore. Using a wideangle lens, one has to get very close to the motive. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/134 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-15 11:03:28
Bat fishes and filming dive buddy Mirela. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/69 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-15 11:04:28
A swarm of yellow bluestriped snapper. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/49 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-15 11:09:25
An anemone fish. South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/125 s; f=10.6 mm; f/6.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-15 11:31:12
Yet another anemone fish in it's anemone. South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/125 s; f=7.2 mm; f/2.7; ISO 200; 2007-11-15 11:34:43
A clown fish in a anemone with current. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/125 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-15 11:42:38
End of a dive. The divers are boarding into the dhoni, the traditional maldivian wood boat. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/143 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-15 11:52:48
A sea star during a night dive. I used my torch instead of the built-in flas because I don't like flat frontal flashing. South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/271 s; f=9.3 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2007-11-15 14:43:45
A shrimp during a night dive. South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/74 s; f=17.4 mm; f/4.3; ISO 200; 2007-11-15 14:49:20
Anemonen in voller "Blüte". Tagsüber sind sie geschlossen. Im Zentrum erkennt man noch schön die Mundöffnung. South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/154 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-15 14:56:30
Zwei Rotfeuerfische bei einem Nachttauchgang. South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/290 s; f=10.6 mm; f/3.2; ISO 200; 2007-11-15 15:10:30
Ein angeknabberter Seestern auf einer Seegurke. South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/661 s; f=12 mm; f/6.4; ISO 400; 2007-11-15 15:22:18
Ein schöner Canyon. 0.6x wideangle converter, Broken Rock, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/176 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-16 6:11:17
Ein schöner Canyon mit Tauchbuddy Mirela. 0.6x wideangle converter, Broken Rock, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/470 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-16 6:13:42
Schöne Riffformationen am Ende des Canyons. mdash; Sea & Sea DX-8000G, 0.6x wideangle converter, Brocken Rock, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/217 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-16 6:15:02
Ein Schwarzpunkt-Stachelrochen auf der Flucht vor Tauchern. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/69 s; f=7.9 mm; f/2.8; ISO 200; 2007-11-16 6:17:18
0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/36 s; f=7.9 mm; f/2.8; ISO 200; 2007-11-16 6:18:36
0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/154 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-16 6:25:10
Eine Gorgonie an einem Überhang. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/176 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-16 6:29:41
0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/80 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-16 11:14:38
Ein schöner Drachenkopf. Wo ist mein Blitz? Zuhause. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/331 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-16 11:42:28
Ein Fledermausfisch, der gerne fotografiert werden wollte. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/411 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-16 11:46:27
Fische auf dem Riffdach mit Spiegelung an der Wasseroberfläche. Beim schnorcheln fotografiert. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/271 s; f=5.8 mm; f/4.7; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 10:55:58
Ein Bogen an der Riffkante, fotografiert beim Apnoe-Tauchen. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/217 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 11:06:39
Anemonenfisch mit Doktorfisch. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/381 s; f=10.6 mm; f/3.2; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 11:12:09
Ein Doktorfisch knabbert Algen von einem Korallenblock. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/500 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 11:16:37
Selbstportrait beim Apnoe-Tauchen. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/217 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 100; 2007-11-17 11:21:58
0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/189 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-18 5:50:34
Der Octopust war erst kaum vom Untergrund zu unterscheiden und wurde dann blitzschnell dunkel (rot), als ich ihm mit der Kamera zu nahe kam. Die Aufnahme wurde nachträglich stark farblich verändert, da ich keinen Blitz hatte. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/217 s; f=10 mm; f/3.1; ISO 400; 2007-11-18 6:18:48
Einer der scheuen Weissspitzen-Riffhaie. South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/271 s; f=17.4 mm; f/4.3; ISO 400; 2007-11-18 6:21:30
Mirela im Sonnenlicht. Hätte länger die Luft anhalten sollen, damit meine Blubberbläschen nicht auf dem Bild sind. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/2000 s; f=5.8 mm; f/8.1; ISO 200; 2007-11-18 10:34:31
0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/440 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-18 10:46:45
0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/154 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-18 10:53:50
0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/32 s; f=17.4 mm; f/4.3; ISO 200; 2007-11-18 10:57:54
0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/217 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-18 11:09:52
Taucher beim Sicherheitsstop in 5m Wassertiefe. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/761 s; f=5.8 mm; f/8.1; ISO 200; 2007-11-18 11:17:12
Eine Gruppe Taucher wartet an der Wasseroberfläche auf das Dhoni. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/500 s; f=5.8 mm; f/8.1; ISO 200; 2007-11-18 11:19:18
0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/64 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-19 5:55:46
Ein Stachelrochen zieht schön an mir vorbei. Wo ist bloss mein Blitz? 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/143 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-19 5:56:16
Und der Stachelrochen verschwindet im tiefen Blau. Bei 36m hab ich aufgehört ihn zu verfolgen, denn ich hatte Nitrox im Tank und Tauchgänge tiefer als 30m sind auf den Maldives verboten. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/143 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-19 5:56:28
Eine wunderschöne Gorgonie im Gegenlicht. Tja, mein Blitz war zuhause, sonst sähe die Aufnahme etwa
aus. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/810 s; f=5.8 mm; f/8.1; ISO 200; 2007-11-19 5:59:38
0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/381 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-19 6:01:07
Eine Meeresschildkröte, leider grün auf blau. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/143 s; f=7.9 mm; f/2.8; ISO 200; 2007-11-19 6:02:49
Eine Meeresschildkröte liegt auf dem Riff. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/143 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-19 6:04:45
Eine Meeresschildkröte mit Tauchbuddy Mirela. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/189 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-19 6:05:06
Eine Meeresschildkröte steuert auf die Kante des Riffdaches zu. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/381 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 200; 2007-11-19 6:08:57
Eine Meeresschildkröte liegt auf dem Riffdach. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/60 s; f=17.4 mm; f/4.3; ISO 400; 2007-11-19 6:13:22
0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/105 s; f=12 mm; f/3.4; ISO 400; 2007-11-19 6:17:48
Eine Muräne schaut aus ihrer Terassenwohnung am Riff. 0.6x wideangle converter, South Ari Atoll, Maldives. — EXIF: Caplio GX8; Δt=1/154 s; f=5.8 mm; f/2.5; ISO 400; 2007-11-19 6:20:20
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
One of the side streets in Dubai's "old town". Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/91 s; f=35 mm; f/5.0; ISO 100; 2007-11-11 9:16:38
One of the many residential buildings in Dubai - mainly for foreign workers. A two-room apartment like this can cost USD 2,000 a month. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=24 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-11-11 9:20:37
The minaret of a mosque between antennas and satellite dishes of the surrounding houses. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=110 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-11-11 9:21:23
Residential area near Dubai's "Textile Souk" with antennas and satellite dishes. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=58 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-11-11 9:22:12
Looks a bit like a mosque but appears to be one of the many malls. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=24 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-11-11 9:28:37
A side street near the Textile Souk of Dubai. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/100 s; f=50 mm; f/5.0; ISO 100; 2007-11-11 9:35:17
Dubai is one gigantic construction site and is growing and growing. A metro is being built here that will run below the main road. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=102 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-11-11 9:36:50
Buj Al-Arab
(Arabian Tower) is probably the most famous and exclusive hotel in Dubai. The design is reminiscent of a sail billowing in the wind. Entry is only available with a prior reservation in one of the restaurants. Dress code is mandatory. Jeans and t-shirts are not allowed. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=45 mm; f/7.1; ISO 200; 2007-11-11 12:22:30
The top of the
Burj Al-Arab
with helipad and the "boat bridge" at the back is a restaurant. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/200 s; f=102 mm; f/7.1; ISO 200; 2007-11-11 12:22:47
The top of
Jumeirah Beach Hotel
behind shrubbery. It is in close proximity to the Burj Al-Arab. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/350 s; f=120 mm; f/10.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-11 12:24:37
The Jumeirah Mosque Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=35 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-11 13:11:57
The Jumeirah Mosque Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=120 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-11 13:16:28
Even in Dubai, all that glitters is not gold. The spikes with the stylized crescent moon on the Jumeirah Mosque are already rusting. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/200 s; f=120 mm; f/7.1; ISO 200; 2007-11-11 13:17:36
Pure kitsch: The facade of the National Bank of Dubai glitters in the light of the evening sun. To the left is the Sheraton Dubai Creek Hotel. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=42 mm; f/9.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-11 13:45:16
High-rise buildings on Dubai Creek. In the foreground the traditional dhow ships. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=70 mm; f/6.3; ISO 200; 2007-11-11 13:45:38
Sprinkler systems in a park at Dubai Creek. The city's water consumption must be enormous. A few decades ago there was only desert here. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/2500 s; f=38 mm; f/5.0; ISO 400; 2007-11-11 13:46:53
A kitschy photo of a palm tree backlit by the evening sun. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/500 s; f=120 mm; f/11.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-11 13:49:19
The Rolex Twin Towers at Dubai Creek. It makes you wonder what the difference is between the production price and the selling price of a Rolex watch if you can afford it. In the souks there were Rolex watches for 5 dollars. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/200 s; f=52 mm; f/7.1; ISO 200; 2007-11-11 14:02:22
A building with the typical wind towers backlit by the setting evening sun. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/400 s; f=120 mm; f/11.0; ISO 200; 2007-11-11 14:05:48
A wind tower, an antique simple and ingenious air conditioner. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=50 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2007-11-11 14:08:02
Any building with a wind tower in the pedestrian zone of Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=40 mm; f/6.3; ISO 200; 2007-11-11 14:08:26
Gold camels in a souvenir shop. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/40 s; f=120 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2007-11-11 15:08:20
Arabian Courtyard
neon sign. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/10 s; f=58 mm; f/5.0; ISO 640; 2007-11-11 15:14:20
: Hotel
Arabian Courtyard
neon sign. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/13 s; f=82 mm; f/5.3; ISO 640; 2007-11-11 15:15:16
Minaret near Dubai Museum. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/4 s; f=90 mm; f/5.6; ISO 800; 2007-11-11 15:16:28
Nightlife in the souks of Dubai's old town Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/20 s; f=62 mm; f/5.0; ISO 800; 2007-11-11 15:22:04
Skyline of the old town of Dubai at the creek. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/10 s; f=24 mm; f/3.5; ISO 800; 2007-11-11 15:33:16
The water taxis at Dubai Creek, the quickest way to get to the other side as bridges are few. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/15 s; f=24 mm; f/3.5; ISO 800; 2007-11-11 15:36:30
Scene at the Spice Souk in Dubai. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/100 s; f=24 mm; f/5.0; ISO 800; 2007-11-11 15:47:36
Scene at the Spice Souk in Dubai. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/20 s; f=24 mm; f/3.5; ISO 800; 2007-11-11 15:49:26
Scene at the Spice Souk in Dubai. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=24 mm; f/4.0; ISO 800; 2007-11-11 15:51:15
Taxis in front of the "Mall of Emirates", the largest shopping center outside of the United States. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/50 s; f=102 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-11-12 9:50:09
It couldn't be crazier: indoor ski area in the Mall of Emirates. Skiing in the middle of the desert. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/10 s; f=24 mm; f/3.5; ISO 400; 2007-11-12 9:57:23
It couldn't be crazier: indoor ski area in the Mall of Emirates. Skiing in the middle of the desert. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/15 s; f=24 mm; f/3.5; ISO 400; 2007-11-12 9:58:09
It couldn't be crazier: indoor ski area in the Mall of Emirates. Skiing in the middle of the desert. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/13 s; f=24 mm; f/3.5; ISO 400; 2007-11-12 12:35:04
The construction site of the
Burj Dubai
(Dubai Tower) is currently the tallest building in the world. It is said to be 810m high. Well, a composite photo, and not particularly original either. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=24 mm; f/8.0; ISO 400; 2007-11-12 12:55:38
The skyscrapers in Dubai are shooting up like mushrooms from the desert floor. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=38 mm; f/9.0; ISO 400; 2007-11-12 12:56:17
A triangular skyscraper near the port of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=78 mm; f/9.0; ISO 400; 2007-11-12 13:17:45
Skyline at Dubai Creek in evening mood. Contrasts: traditional wooden boats (dhows) in the foreground and modern buildings in the background. Some of the boats are probably older than the whole city. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/200 s; f=120 mm; f/7.1; ISO 400; 2007-11-12 13:24:18
I think this glass palace is also a bank. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=78 mm; f/9.0; ISO 400; 2007-11-12 13:25:20
The Rolex Twin Towers of Dubai. Any questions why these watches are so expensive? Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=45 mm; f/8.0; ISO 400; 2007-11-12 13:45:25
Contrasts in Dubai. In the foreground, restaurants in traditional wooden boats on Dubai Creek and in the background ultra-modern glass palaces. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=110 mm; f/6.3; ISO 400; 2007-11-12 14:10:36
The crescent of the new moon over the Mosque at Dubai Creek. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/6 s; f=120 mm; f/5.6; ISO 400; 2007-11-12 14:54:00
Evening mood at Dubai Creek. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/6 s; f=75 mm; f/5.3; ISO 400; 2007-11-12 14:54:56
One of the many water taxis that operate between the two sides of Dubai Creek. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/4 s; f=78 mm; f/5.3; ISO 800; 2007-11-12 15:00:16
The city of Dubai is so new that even the traffic lights still need an instruction manual. Dubai, United Arab Emirates — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/10 s; f=24 mm; f/3.5; ISO 800; 2007-11-12 15:45:27
DiveZone Fundive 16.9.2007
Some say the sporty part of diving is getting dressed and into the water.
at Lopper 3 near Stansstad. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/91 s; f=62 mm; f/5.0; ISO 100; 2007-09-16 10:45:47
Two divers wearing a dry suit and one tough divers is wearing a wet suit.
at Lopper 3 near Stansstad. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=28 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-09-16 10:51:43
Communication issues between surface surveillance and diver.
at Lopper 3 near Stansstad. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=70 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-09-16 10:53:01
Soon you'll have to put your head under water and go diving.
at Lopper 3 near Stansstad. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=60 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-09-16 10:54:55
Thumbs down for diving and OK sign for confirming. All are ready for diving.
at Lopper 3 near Stansstad. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=70 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2007-09-16 10:57:36
A diver is searhing the exit under water.
at Lopper 3 near Stansstad. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=70 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-09-16 11:29:44
Jep, we're right here. Exit is straight ahead.
at Lopper 3 near Stansstad. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=70 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-09-16 11:29:48
Doff your fins and dive debriefing.
at Lopper 3 near Stansstad. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=70 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-09-16 11:30:29
It's so bright above water when the sun is shining.
at Lopper 3 near Stansstad. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/200 s; f=70 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-09-16 11:34:03
Everything is still okay after this dive. The most dangerous part is the drive to and from the dive site.
at Lopper 3 near Stansstad. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=70 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-09-16 11:34:43
I wasn't the only guy on the surface.
at Lopper 3 near Stansstad. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=70 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-09-16 11:35:58
Uff, the gravity ist back again.
at Lopper 3 near Stansstad. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=35 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-09-16 11:37:12
Put off your fins first, before exiting. Makes things easier.
at Lopper 3 near Stansstad. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/200 s; f=70 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-09-16 11:55:11
Mundart-Festival Brütten 2007
Singer Camen.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/20 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 400; 2007-05-04 20:00:10
Singer Camen.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/80 s; f=200 mm; f/4.5; ISO 400; 2007-05-04 20:00:50
Singer Camen.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=200 mm; f/4.0; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 20:06:05
Singer Camen.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/40 s; f=112 mm; f/3.2; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 20:07:53
Guitar player of Camen's band.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/31 s; f=92 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 20:10:51
Singer Camen.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/80 s; f=155 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 20:12:20
Group photo of Camen and band.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/100 s; f=80 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 20:12:59
Florian Senn, the bassist of Lovebugs.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:05:37
Thomas Rechberger and Adrian Sieber on guitar.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/46 s; f=80 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:07:15
Florian Senn, the bassist of Lofebugs.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=80 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:09:02
Adrian Sieber, singer of Lovebugs on guitar.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=86 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:09:59
Light effects on the Lovebugs concert.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/15 s; f=80 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:10:38
Thomas Rechbergar on gutar and Florian Senn on bass.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/20 s; f=80 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:13:31
Adrian Sieber, the singer of Lovebugs.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=80 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:15:43
A Lovebugs fan is taking a picture with a small digital camera.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/50 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:16:00
Simon Ramseier, the drummer of Lovebugs.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/100 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:17:01
Simon Ramseier, the drummer of Lovebugs.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:17:15
Simon Ramseier, the drumemr of Lovebugs.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/200 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:17:18
Adrian Sieber, the singer of Lovebugs.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:17:50
Florian Senn, the bassist of Lofebugs.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/20 s; f=80 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:22:56
Adrian Sieber, the singer of Lovebugs.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:25:06
Adrian Sieber, the singer of Lovebugs.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:25:15
Thomas Rechberger, the guitarman of Lovebugs.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/40 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:25:18
Thomas and Adrian of Lovebugs.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/46 s; f=80 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:26:57
Thomas Rechberger, the guitarman of.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:27:59
Thomas Rechberger, the guitarman of Lovebugs.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=80 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:28:17
Thomas Rechberger, the guitarman of Lovebugs.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=80 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:28:17
Thomas Rechberger, the guitarman of Lovebugs.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/80 s; f=80 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:28:49
Adrian Sieber, the singer of Lovebugs.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:32:40
Thomas Rechberger, the guitarman of Lovebugs.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:33:41
Thomas Rechberger, the guitarman of Lovebugs. Im Hintergrund etwas unscheinbar aber nicht minder wichtig: Stefan Meister am Keyboard.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=80 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:43:03
Thomas Rechberger, the guitarman of Lovebugs.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/80 s; f=135 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:55:04
Thomas Rechberger, the guitarman of Lovebugs.
MundArt Festival
, Brütten — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/46 s; f=200 mm; f/2.8; ISO 800; 2007-05-04 21:55:08
Flight Bernese Alps
The small lake Mauen in the environment of the village Sursee at lake Sempache. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=40 mm; f/4.0; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 17:05:28
A few ponds between the villages Ostergau and Wuschiwil. Is it a fish farm? — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/500 s; f=70 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 17:08:06
The factory site of
Kronospan Schweiz AG
at Menznau. They produce chip boards. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=70 mm; f/4.5; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 17:09:00
A little farm somewhere in the Napf environment. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/200 s; f=70 mm; f/4.0; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 17:12:43
This is the village Langnau in the Emmen valley. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/350 s; f=65 mm; f/5.0; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 17:16:04
The city Thun on Lake Thun in the backlight of the evening sun. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=70 mm; f/8.0; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 17:23:31
Thick clouds — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=70 mm; f/9.0; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 17:28:01
Thick clouds above the Swiss Alps. Only a few beams of sunlight can get through. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/751 s; f=32 mm; f/5.6; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 17:31:08
This is the upper Lötsch valley. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/640 s; f=28 mm; f/5.0; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 17:33:41
A mountain slope covered with snow in the light of the evening sun. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/640 s; f=70 mm; f/5.0; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 17:35:29
A view to Valais with haze. The distinct summit in the center is called Trubelstock. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/800 s; f=70 mm; f/6.3; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 17:35:52
Alps and clouds — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/800 s; f=28 mm; f/6.3; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 17:36:18
The village Rosswald above Brig with the big bridge of the Simplon pass road. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/400 s; f=70 mm; f/4.0; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 17:44:29
The Aletsch glacier ... or furthermore what's left of it. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/500 s; f=28 mm; f/4.5; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 17:53:05
A small reservoir close to the Aletsch glacier — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/640 s; f=48 mm; f/5.0; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 17:56:19
The "Place de la Concorde" where three glacier streams (Aletschfirn, Jungfraufirn, Ewigschneefeld) create the big Aletsch glacier. The ice here is about 800-900m deep. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/640 s; f=28 mm; f/5.0; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 17:57:25
The glacier Ewigschneefeld is floating into the "Place de la Concorde" and has many huge crevasses. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/640 s; f=28 mm; f/5.0; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 17:59:04
Summit of mount Monk (Mönch). — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/500 s; f=70 mm; f/4.5; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 18:00:17
The famous observatory Sphinx on Jungfraujoch. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/640 s; f=70 mm; f/5.0; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 18:01:03
Summit of mount virgin (Jungfrau) — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/640 s; f=70 mm; f/5.0; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 18:02:27
The famous observatory Sphinx on Jungfraujoch. A very impressive location. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/500 s; f=70 mm; f/4.5; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 18:02:47
And again: The Sphinx observatory on the crest between Mount Virgin and Mount Monk. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/500 s; f=70 mm; f/4.5; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 18:03:56
Summit of Mount Eiger with cloud patches. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/640 s; f=34 mm; f/5.0; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 18:08:37
Beams of sunlight are passing through the clouds. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/640 s; f=42 mm; f/5.0; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 18:11:00
The Mount Pilatus in the environment of Lucerne. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=70 mm; f/3.2; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 18:24:41
with the tallest elevator of Europe — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=70 mm; f/3.2; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 18:28:21
Mount Rigi. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/320 s; f=70 mm; f/3.5; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 18:30:26
Lucerne with culture and congress center KKL, railway station and the famous Kappel bridge. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/100 s; f=70 mm; f/2.8; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 18:35:43
A small pond in springtime — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/80 s; f=70 mm; f/2.8; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 18:39:51
A rape field in springtime. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S 28-70mm 1:2.8D, Polfilter, 21. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/100 s; f=70 mm; f/2.8; ISO 200; 2007-04-21 18:41:25
Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt
A Jewel Fairy basslet (Pseudanthias squamipinnis). — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Marsa Bareika, Ras Mohammed, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 31. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-31 11:38:32
A swarm of glass fishes under a coral. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Marsa Bareika, Ras Mohammed, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 31. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-31 11:49:17
One of the many jellzfishes that we met under water. Usually they floated in a group through the water. Fortunately they did not nettle. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Marsa Bareika, Ras Mohammed, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 31. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-31 11:51:30
Bella Mirela — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Marsa Bareika, Ras Mohammed, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 31. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-03-31 11:56:06
A hawk fish sitting on a coral. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Marsa Bareika, Ras Mohammed, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 31. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-31 12:04:02
Mirela is taking a picture of Nemo. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Marsa Bareika, Ras Mohammed, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 31. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-31 12:04:49
A big and a small anemone fish. Is it Nemo and Marlin? — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Marsa Bareika, Ras Mohammed, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 31. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-31 12:06:54
The coral hinds (
Cepahopholis miniata
) have very pretty colours an subject to many photos, but they don't seem to like being photographed. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Marsa Bareika, Ras Mohammed, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 31. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-31 12:13:44
The Schultz's pipefish (
Corythoichthys schultzi
) can be found on sand and under coral blocks. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Marsa Bareika, Ras Mohammed, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 31. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/18.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-31 12:16:42
Do you know who formed the coral islands with their sandy white beaches? The parrot fish eat corals, grind them and poop the coral rubble. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Marsa Bareika, Ras Mohammed, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 31. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-31 12:25:21
This is an arabian damsel (
Dascyllus marginatus
) hiding with its family in the twigs of a hard coral. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Marsa Bareika, Ras Mohammed, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 31. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-31 14:19:42
A nudibranch (
Chelidonura livida
) in the midst of the many salps that were floating around in the sea that week. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Marsa Bareika, Ras Mohammed, Sharm el Sheikh, Ägypten, 31. März 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-31 14:41:02
The maze surface of the hirn coral (
Diploria strigosa
) gave that it that name. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Marsa Bareika, Ras Mohammed, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 31. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-31 14:42:53
A pyjama nudibranch(
Chromodoris quadricolor
), wants to climb on a salp. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Marsa Bareika, Ras Mohammed, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 31. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-31 14:47:10
A red lionfish (
Pterois volitans
) and a fire coral. Both not good to touch. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Marsa Bareika, Ras Mohammed, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 31. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-31 14:53:49
Close-up view of a red lionfish (
Pterois volitans
). — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Marsa Bareika, Ras Mohammed, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 31. March 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2007-03-31 14:58:25
Mirela and Yasser, one of our dive guides. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Gordon Reef, Tiran Island, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 1. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=17 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-04-01 10:17:51
A coral block with soft corals in backlight with the sun. On the right hand side there is one of the many salps. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Woodhouse, Tiran Island, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 1. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=12 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-01 12:03:08
A soft coral in back light. Due to the current it is upmped up with water. When there is no current they just hang down. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Woodhouse, Tiran Island, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 1. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=12 mm; f/16.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-01 12:10:04
This time a real jellyfish and not just a salp. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Woodhouse, Tiran Island, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 1. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=18 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-01 12:47:53
Mirela and Yasser dancing upside down. They were flirting all the time above and below the water line :-) — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Ras Ghanila, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 1. April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=12 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-04-01 15:38:44
A colorful parrot fish above a coral. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Gordon Reef, Tiran Island, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 2 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=24 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-04-02 10:25:01
A bluespotted stingray is taking a nap on the sand. If you don't make them angry and grab them by the tail they don't sting. Right, Steve? — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Jackson Reef, Tiran Island, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 2 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=24 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-02 12:36:39
A gorgony with a lot of orange sea goldies. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Jackson Reef, Tiran Island, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 2 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=12 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-02 12:43:50
A block with various soft corals, hard corals and gorgonys in backlight with the sun. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Jackson Reef, Tiran Island, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 2 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=12 mm; f/20.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-02 12:49:27
Corals on the reef top right below the water surface with orange antias. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Jackson Reef, Tiran Island, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 2 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=12 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-04-02 13:09:20
Nothing special, just to show you how the reefs look like. A slope with various hard corals and orange sea goldies. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, Jackson Reef, Tiran Island, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 2 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=12 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-02 13:10:54
Two gobies sitting on the sand and looking each into opposite direction. This picture was accidentally overexposed but because I always shoot raw, the brightness could be adjusted while processing the image in Photoshop. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Gordon Reef, Tiran Island, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 3 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-03 10:48:37
This time a jellyfish and not one of the many salps that were floating around in the sea that time. They are quite fast when one tries to shoot them with a macro lens. I had some difficulties to focus and couldn't shoot for long because it was wandering towards the surface and I had to follow the dive group or the dive guilde would complain. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Thomas Reef, Tiran Island, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 3 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-03 12:42:21
An egyptian sea star (
Gomophia egyptiaca
). The dive guide pointed on it that I should make a picture. Hmm, is this something special? — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Thomas Reef, Tiran Island, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 3 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-03 13:10:03
An emperor fish, also called royal angelfish (
Pygoplites diacanthus
) — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Ras Bob, Tiran Island, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 3 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-03 15:10:08
The sand lizardfish
Synodus dermatogenys
are usually lying on sand or corals and waiting for prey. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Ras Bob, Tiran Island, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 3 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/16.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-03 15:16:51
A cleaning wrasse was cleaning this giant moray eel (
Gymnothorax javanicus
). But as soon as I shot this picture it was gone. I didn't have time to shoot more pictures because the egyptian "jalla jalla" dive guide forced me to keep up. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Ras Bob, Tiran Island, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 3 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/13.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-03 15:25:06
Close up of a diagonal butterflyfish (
Chaetodon fasciatus
). Maybe I should remove the fish in the background. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Ras Bob, Tiran Island, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 3 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-03 15:33:49
This lionfish didn't want to yawn while I pointed the camera towards it. It also lost one of its antennas. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Ras Bob, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 3 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-03 15:37:40
And again a hawkfish sitting on a coral. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF Micro 60mm, Ras Bob, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 3 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=60 mm; f/11.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-03 15:41:57
One of the tanks in the wreck of the
SS Thistlegorm
. The visibility was not very good for red sea conditions. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, SS Thistlegorm, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 5 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=12 mm; f/4.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-05 8:03:02
A grenade in the wreck of the
SS Thistlegorm
. Will it explode when one diver hits the ignitor? — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, SS Thistlegorm, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 5 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=12 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-04-05 8:05:01
A part of a cart with a soft coral in the wreck of the
SS Thistlegorm
. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, SS Thistlegorm, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 5 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=12 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-04-05 8:06:25
A diver with a soft coral in the wreck of the
SS Thistlegorm
. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, SS Thistlegorm, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 5 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=12 mm; f/10.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-05 8:08:54
A swarm of glassfish and a lionfish in the wreck of the
SS Thistlegorm
. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, SS Thistlegorm, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 5 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=12 mm; f/10.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-05 8:09:41
The gun on the stern of the
SS Thistlegorm
with the sun at a depth of about 30m. In November 2006 I was diving at the same position but this picture got much better. There were also less people on the wreck and also less noise of the boats. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, SS Thistlegorm, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 5 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=12 mm; f/10.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-05 8:11:36
The broken middle part in the wreck of the
SS Thistlegorm
. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, SS Thistlegorm, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 5 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=12 mm; f/16.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-05 8:18:06
Rope winches in the wreck of the
SS Thistlegorm
. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, SS Thistlegorm, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 5 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=12 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-04-05 8:21:37
Bubbles from divers in the wreck of the
SS Thistlegorm
are escaping from a ventilation pipe. Diving in the inside of a wreck is an exciting experience but the air from the bubbles causes the metal of the wreck to oxidize and accelerates the destruction of the wreck. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, SS Thistlegorm, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 5 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=12 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-04-05 8:24:16
The motor bikes in the cargo hold of the
SS Thistlegorm
. The gear might need some oil but the tire profile is still okay. Unfortunately the visibility in the cargo hold was not very good due to the many divers on that day. It would be nice to be the first one to go into the wreck in the morning. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, SS Thistlegorm, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 5 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=12 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-05 10:35:57
The motor bikes in the cargo hold of the
SS Thistlegorm
. The gear might need some oil but the tire profile is still okay. Unfortunately the visibility in the cargo hold was not very good due to the many divers on that day. It would be nice to be the first one to go into the wreck in the morning. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, SS Thistlegorm, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 5 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=12 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-05 10:36:59
A railway car in the cargo hold of the
SS Thistlegorm
. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, SS Thistlegorm, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 5 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=12 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-05 10:39:25
Light and shadows in the cargo hold of the
SS Thistlegorm
. I wanted to make more such picture but there was absolutely no time. "Jalla jalla!" Diving in Egypt around Sharm is nothing for connaisseurs. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, SS Thistlegorm, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 5 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/31 s; f=12 mm; f/5.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-05 10:40:06
One of the trucks in the cargo hold of the
SS Thistlegorm
. This one carried a lot of knee-length boots. Why do soldiers need such boots in the desert? — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, SS Thistlegorm, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 5 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=12 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-04-05 10:43:58
A fish swarm with salps in the wreck of the
SS Thistlegorm
. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, SS Thistlegorm, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 5 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=18 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-04-05 10:50:18
One of the batfish living around the wreck despite of the many divers and the noise of the boats. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, SS Thistlegorm, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 5 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=22 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2007-04-05 10:52:50
Diver bubbles escaping from one of the exhaust pipes in the wreck of the
SS Thistlegorm
. — Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24mm, SS Thistlegorm, Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, 5 April 2007 — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=12 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-04-05 10:56:38
The castle in the port of Páfos, Cyprus — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=22 mm; f/4.0; ISO 800; 2007-02-12 17:36:46
The castle in the port of Páfos, Cyprus — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=24 mm; f/4.5; ISO 800; 2007-02-12 17:43:59
The Avakas Gorge in the west of the island, north of Páfos, Cyprus — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=13 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-02-13 11:20:33
The Avakas Gorge in the west of the island, north of Páfos, Cyprus — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/46 s; f=20 mm; f/4.0; ISO 200; 2007-02-13 11:40:11
The Avakas Gorge in the west of the island, north of Páfos, Cyprus — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/13 s; f=24 mm; f/4.0; ISO 200; 2007-02-13 11:43:20
View of Aphrodite's Rock from the Akamas Peninsula, Cyprus — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/100 s; f=12 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-02-13 13:34:34
A goat climbs in the bush and nibbles the leaves. Cyprus — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/350 s; f=200 mm; f/3.2; ISO 100; 2007-02-13 13:47:56
Goats on the cliff to the sea. Cyprus — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/640 s; f=200 mm; f/3.5; ISO 200; 2007-02-13 13:51:57
The Akamas Peninsula in western Cyprus. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/60 s; f=12 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-02-13 13:57:19
"Wildlife conservation Area - Hunting is prohibited" ... a local hunter probably didn't like that. Cyprus — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/1000 s; f=56 mm; f/5.0; ISO 100; 2007-02-13 14:13:12
Pafos Lighthouse photographed through two arches of a ruin at the Archaeological Park. Cyprus — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=70 mm; f/11.0; ISO 200; 2007-02-13 16:45:27
A church in Pafos photographed through two arches of a ruin at the archaeological park. Cyprus — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=70 mm; f/13.0; ISO 200; 2007-02-13 16:47:03
Pillars on the Archaeological Park of Pafos with the setting sun. Cyprus — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/350 s; f=50 mm; f/22.0; ISO 100; 2007-02-13 17:01:36
The lighthouse in Páfos, Cyprus. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/100 s; f=38 mm; f/4.0; ISO 100; 2007-02-13 17:21:51
Pafos beach at dusk. Cyprus. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/10 s; f=12 mm; f/4.0; ISO 400; 2007-02-13 17:53:46
Blossoms from one of the many flowering almond trees in Cyprus. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/200 s; f=105 mm; f/14.0; ISO 200; 2007-02-16 11:47:17
The small village of Dóra in Cyprus — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=28 mm; f/5.0; ISO 200; 2007-02-16 11:52:33
Clouds over the Troodos Mountains of Cyprus — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/350 s; f=56 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-02-16 11:54:21
An old tar truck on the side of the road. Cyprus — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=32 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-02-16 12:07:13
View of the Diarizos Valley. Cyprus. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/80 s; f=12 mm; f/8.0; ISO 100; 2007-02-16 12:13:35
Cedars in the Troodos Mountains of Cyprus. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/80 s; f=17 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-02-16 13:00:38
Clouds over the Troodos mountains in Cyprus. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=12 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-02-16 13:31:03
The Temple of Apollon Hylates at Kourion...or rather the sad rest of it. Cyprus — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=38 mm; f/7.1; ISO 100; 2007-02-16 14:57:02
The Temple of Apollon Hylates at Kourion...or rather the sad rest of it. Cyprus — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=70 mm; f/9.0; ISO 100; 2007-02-16 15:01:26
The small village of Ora in Cyprus — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=62 mm; f/4.0; ISO 100; 2007-02-17 12:32:23
The Stavrovouni Monastery near Larnaca. Apparently a piece of the cross of Jesus should be kept there. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/180 s; f=52 mm; f/4.5; ISO 100; 2007-02-17 14:20:58
Play of light over the sea at Kourion, Cyprus. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/350 s; f=56 mm; f/10.0; ISO 100; 2007-02-17 16:47:25
The Bay of Kourion in Cyprus. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/125 s; f=28 mm; f/5.6; ISO 100; 2007-02-17 16:48:39
The remains of the stadium of Kourion. Not more than a few remains of the wall are left. Cyprus. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=28 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-02-17 16:54:45
The village of Panó Lefkara in the sunshine against dark clouds. Cyprus. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/160 s; f=70 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-02-18 11:56:14
The tomb mosque of Chala Sultan Tekke on the salt lake near Larnaka in Cyprus. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/400 s; f=200 mm; f/4.0; ISO 100; 2007-02-18 12:47:50
The tomb mosque of Chala Sultan Tekke on the salt lake near Larnaka in Cyprus. — EXIF: Nikon D200; Δt=1/250 s; f=56 mm; f/6.3; ISO 100; 2007-02-18 13:05:43
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